# cast.edf - EDF file for Eternity Engine v3.33.33 # DOOM II cast call information is stored here. Cast members can # be defined elsewhere. If the castorder array is not defined, cast # members will appear in the order they are defined. If a name # is not defined by any of the first 17 cast members defined, those # cast members will use the corresponding default name normally # defined through DeHackEd/BEX string replacement. See the EDF # documentation for more information. ifenabled(DOOM) castinfo zombieman { type = Zombieman sound { frame = S_POSS_ATK2; sfx = pistol } } castinfo sergeant { type = Sergeant sound { frame = S_SPOS_ATK2; sfx = shotgn } } castinfo chaingunner { type = Chaingunner sound { frame = S_CPOS_ATK2; sfx = shotgn } sound { frame = S_CPOS_ATK3; sfx = shotgn } sound { frame = S_CPOS_ATK4; sfx = shotgn } } castinfo doomimp { type = DoomImp sound { frame = S_TROO_ATK3; sfx = claw } } castinfo demon { type = Demon sound { frame = S_SARG_ATK2; sfx = sgtatk } } castinfo lostsoul { type = LostSoul sound { frame = S_SKULL_ATK2; sfx = sklatk } } castinfo cacodemon { type = Cacodemon sound { frame = S_HEAD_ATK2; sfx = firsht } } castinfo hellknight { type = HellKnight sound { frame = S_BOS2_ATK2; sfx = firsht } } castinfo baronofhell { type = BaronOfHell sound { frame = S_BOSS_ATK2; sfx = firsht } } castinfo arachnotron { type = Arachnotron sound { frame = S_BSPI_ATK2; sfx = plasma } } castinfo painelemental { type = PainElemental sound { frame = S_PAIN_ATK3; sfx = sklatk } } castinfo revenant { type = Revenant sound { frame = S_SKEL_FIST2; sfx = skeswg } sound { frame = S_SKEL_FIST4; sfx = skepch } sound { frame = S_SKEL_MISS2; sfx = skeatk } } castinfo mancubus { type = Mancubus sound { frame = S_FATT_ATK2; sfx = firsht } sound { frame = S_FATT_ATK5; sfx = firsht } sound { frame = S_FATT_ATK8; sfx = firsht } } castinfo archvile { type = Archvile sound { frame = S_VILE_ATK2; sfx = vilatk } } castinfo spiderdemon { type = Spiderdemon sound { frame = S_SPID_ATK2; sfx = shotgn } sound { frame = S_SPID_ATK3; sfx = shotgn } } castinfo cyberdemon { type = Cyberdemon sound { frame = S_CYBER_ATK2; sfx = rlaunc } sound { frame = S_CYBER_ATK4; sfx = rlaunc } sound { frame = S_CYBER_ATK6; sfx = rlaunc } } castinfo player { type = DoomPlayer stopattack = true sound { frame = S_PLAY_ATK1; sfx = dshtgn } } endif() ifdisabled(DOOM) # If DOOM isn't enabled, just define a dummy cast member castinfo dummy { type = Unknown } endif()