NOTE: This file has been retired, and contains changelog entries from EE v3.29 public beta 3 up to the release of v3.31 public beta 5. See haleyjd_changelog_2.txt for more recent updates. ===================================================================== Changes since Eternity Engine v3.31 beta 4 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== 12/17/03 Seriously improved EDF error messages to give file name and line number for parsing errors. Tested new frames.edf and fixed a few problems. Removed thing type ETCArachnophyte, its frames, and its one sound. Added Uint16 casts to the parameters to SDL_WarpMouse. This was causing two "integer type mismatch in parameter" warnings for a looong time, and I was getting tired of seeing them :P Compiled Eternity on release platforms and packaged beta 5! ===================================================================== 12/12/03 Added a new bexinclude function to EDF to allow it to specify DeHackEd/BEX files to be loaded after EDF processing is finished. This helps to solidify the union between the two languages, and to support EDF mods that use BEX features like text replacement, which will NOT be duplicated in EDF. EDF/BEX can be considered a sort of superlanguage, if you will. This will even further cut down the impact of EDF on command-line lengths, and lessens the need for GFS a bit (although GFS is still a great thing, and I encourage its use in any multi-file Eternity project). Fixed a bug related to the "new game starts on first new map" option. When it was enabled, Ultimate DOOM would always start on E1M1 no matter what episode you picked, even though the episode menu was shown and no PWADs were loaded. This was a simple omission of a check on "modifiedgame" at ONE point. All other points checked it, so the behavior was inconsistent. ===================================================================== 12/08/03 Applied SoM's fix to 3D object clipping. My idea about making a function that only clips against things turned out to be right. He made a function called P_CheckPositionMobjOnly, which is just the same as P_CheckPosition, but without a P_BlockLinesIterator call. The result is that things entering P_ZMovement will only update their floor or ceiling z values to more restrictive values taken from things which they may be over/under, and not from sectors their radius happens to make them touch through 2S lines (which is what was making bullet puffs jump up to the backsector floor height). This takes care of the last currently known 3D object clipping bug. I'd venture to bet there still might be some weird corner cases in there, but until somebody finds them, we won't worry about it ;) Adjusted parameters to several codepointers: FireCustomBullets -- Args1 is now a sound DeHackEd number CustomPlayerMelee -- Args5 is now a sound DeHackEd number PlayerThunk -------- Args1 is now only specifiable via EDF -------- Args3 now uses negative values to mean no frame MissileAttack ------ Args5 now uses negative values to mean no frame These changes break backward compatibility for these codepointers, but the changes are necessary. The PlayerThunk and MissileAttack frame parameters were just plain wrong, as they excluded use of S_NULL, which could be made a normal frame in a completely rewritten user EDF. The FireCustomBullets and CustomPlayerMelee changes were in response to user requests for better player sound flexibility, and made perfect sense now that sound DeHackEd numbers are documented by EDF and can be assigned to totally new sounds as well. ===================================================================== 12/06/03 Fixed a problem with the drag and drop code that made files on LFN paths not load. ===================================================================== Changes since Eternity Engine v3.31 beta 3 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== 11/29/03 Makefiles updated and Eternity compiled on all supported targets. Eternity Engine v3.31 Public Beta 4 released! ===================================================================== 11/28/03 I planned to release today, but got lazy, so I'll do it tomorrow night. Remembered I still needed to bump the default zonebase size up to 16 MB. -heapsize can still force it as low as 8 MB. ===================================================================== 11/22/03 Added code that should support drag-and-drop file loading for wads, deh/bex files, EDF, and GFS. I can't really test it due to my setup, so I'll need to find a volunteer or something. SoM didn't show up all day today, so I don't know what's going on with him. Its been three days since I posted the last changelog entry, and at least 2 since he read it, so I know that he knows its time for him to get the source code -- but he hasn't even spoken a word to me about it. I really hope that he's just been busy, and that he's not thinking about quitting. If he doesn't show tomorrow, I guess I'll have to talk to him about it as soon as he does. That's not going to be fun, but I can't delay the release of Eternity Engine v3.31 beta 4 any further. If he starts work now, he has a whole week to fix one bug. I'm pretty sure with his talents that it would be no problem -- especially since we already have an idea of how to fix it. Also, there are the excellent editing features he has written for Eternity that we just haven't had time to integrate yet. I've been excited about them for a long time, but EDF got in the way, and that's mostly my fault. That's why I wanted to devote beta 5 entirely and exclusively to getting those features put in. ===================================================================== 11/19/03 Removed the 11-type boss spawner limit, applying and modifying the patch that schepe sent me a while back. EDF now supports a list of numbers named boss_spawner_probs, which must have the same number of integers as there are thing types in the boss_spawner_types list. Each number in the new list is the probability out of 256 that the corresponding thing type will be spawned. The numbers in the list MUST add up to 256, and this is verified. If the boss_spawner_probs list doesn't exist, I allow the original default values to be loaded, but ONLY when there are exactly 11 boss types defined. Otherwise, results would be undefined. This is wholly sufficient for backward compatibility. Everything on the EDF checklist for Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 4 is now complete. Once I have made a mental checklist and have everything ready, I will pass the source on to SoM so he can try to fix the object z clipping bug that Mordeth found. After that, I'll see if there's time to implement Windows file droploading support for SargeBaldy, and then it's time for beta 4 launch. ===================================================================== 11/17/03 Applied cph's fix to the DOOM bug that fraggle discovered -- sprite x offsets were not reversed when sprites were drawn flipped, and for large sprites, this causes weird alignment problems. Fix is in R_ProjectSprite. I also finally discovered the REAL reason that DOOM still crashes when P_SpawnMissile tries to launch a non-missile object. Since most non-missile objects (medikits in my case) have their speed field set to zero, this caused an interesting little situation. When DOOM calculates the z momentum for a missile, it first divides the approximate distance between the objects by the missile's speed. If the speed is zero, this caused a divide-by-zero exception. Under Windows, this would just kick out with no error message. Now, if an object with zero speed makes it into P_MissileMomz, that function will substitute the suitable default value of 10*FRACUNIT for zero, and avoid a division by zero. Since DOOM would always have kicked out here, there are no compatibility issues. It should now be safe to spawn a lot more objects like they're missiles. ===================================================================== 11/15/03 Added support for floating-point values in the EDF thingtype block's speed field. They are converted into fixed-point numbers by the libConfuse value-parsing callback for that field, and are meant for use with missiles, which use a fixed-point speed value instead of a plain integer. This might be slightly confusing, since these LOOK like they mean the same thing: thingtype FOO { speed = 10 } thingtype FOO { speed = 10.0 } But, they aren't the same. The first would set the value to 10, and would be a suitable speed value for monsters. The second would set the value to 10*FRACUNIT (655360), which is suitable for missiles. I'll just have to be sure to point this out carefully in the EDF docs (I already make a big deal there about missiles being handled differently, so it should build easily). ===================================================================== 11/14/03 Added compressed state definitions, which allow all the frame block's fields to be specified in a single string, each delimited with pipes, and allowing defaults to be specified using stars. This is somewhat similar to DDF's state definition format, and was requested by a number of users. If I convert frames.edf to use compressed states, the file will shrink considerably, and its processing time should be reduced too. Compressed states will be required in anonymous state lists, which will work almost exactly like DDF's in-thing frame lists. Here's a small example of what one might look like. This would make a two- state torch object (other fields are left out): thingtype MyTorch { spawnstates = { "SPRT|A|*|6|*|@next", "SPRT|B|*|6|*|@prev" } } Here is an example of a normal frame definition using the compressed specifier. The only field that the cmp field can't specify is the dehackednum. frame S_BLAH { cmp = "SPRT|A|*|6|*|@next"; dehackednum = 10000 } This might still look big, but consider the alternative: frame S_BLAH { sprite = SPRT spriteframe = A tics = 6 nextframe = @next dehackednum = 10000 } When you collapse that onto one line, it is much less readable, and a lot bigger. Note that frame deltas do NOT support the cmp field, for several reasons (they're usually much smaller, and it would severely compli- cate their processing, among others). ===================================================================== 11/11/03 Changed all instances of atoi in EDF to strtol, to orthogonally support octal and hexadecimal numeric constants in all fields. Added support for letters in the EDF frame block's spriteframe field via a libConfuse value-parsing callback function. It tests the string for characters between A and ], and then translates them to the appropriate number. ===================================================================== 11/07/03 Added special values for the EDF frame block's nextframe field -- @next, @prev, @this, and @null. These set the nextframe to the next state defined, the previous state defined, the current state, or the S_NULL state. These will be particularly useful with anonymous state lists, which are on the TODO list for beta 6. ===================================================================== 11/05/03 Made sounds completely dynamic and added module sounds.edf. I also rewrote fraggle's sound precaching code, and made it work under Windows (the SDL_mixer sound code wasn't taking advantage of pre- caching even when it was turned on). ===================================================================== 11/04/03 Added default loading for cast.edf. I also attempted to do it for misc.edf, but figured out that it would cause too many problems, since misc.edf will contain lots of odds and ends that users could possibly override in numerous different modules. ===================================================================== 10/20/03 Made some changes to the DEH-in-wad queueing code when I realized that what I had written wouldn't work due to the same reason that sound couldn't work without a queue -- lump numbers cached before W_InitMultipleFiles can become invalid after it runs. Fixed by restoring MBF's recursive D_ProcessDehInWads function, instead of handling DEHACKED lumps through fraggle's D_NewWadLumps. You don't have to collect the lumps as the wads are added; you can just run down the wad lump hash chain for "DEHACKED" and queue any DEHACKED lumps in it in reverse order. ===================================================================== 10/19/03 Fixed some weird behavior of the HUD. It would turn itself on or off alternately every time you went to fullscreen mode (no status bar). Now it'll always show up right after the status bar, and pressing + afterwards takes you to fullscreen. I'm not sure how it worked in BOOM, but that seems pretty logical to me, since you progress from the status bar to the hud to bare fullscreen. Fixed an issue I knew about earlier but didn't address. If you were to start up Eternity with general translucency disabled, then enable it via the console or otherwise, the flex tran table (used by parti- cles and other neater stuff) would get used without having been init- ialized. I can imagine the results would not have looked pleasant. Now, the code responsible for reinit'ing the tranmap when that variable changes also checks to see if the flex tran table has been init'ed yet, and if not, it takes care of it. ===================================================================== 10/17/03 Optimized the sprite name table allocation code in EDF so that room for all the sprite names is allocated into one long string. This has three benefits: 1. Saves 3 KB of zone memory and any potential fragmentation caused by having multiple small blocks 32 bytes in size. 2. Guarantees locality of reference on accesses to sequential sprite names, as found in several places. Since all the pointers in sprnames now point into a single string, there's no jumping around in memory. This makes for better cache performance. 3. It is *slightly* faster to call Z_Malloc once than Z_Strdup almost 200 times. Because a copy of the sprnames array is made by DeHackEd for use by the [SPRITES] bex block I added, I applied the same optimization there as well, doubling all of these benefits. ===================================================================== 10/14/03 I've finished more or less everything I can currently accomplish with the Heretic status bar, aside from its special fullscreen mode. For this, I have left the ability for ST_Drawer to call a fullscreen mode callback for the game mode status bar. This will allow me to easily add a zdoom- or Legacy-like fullscreen status bar with cute little sprites and big numbers for DOOM, like I wanted to do a while back. The only stuff not currently functional for the Heretic status bar is everything having anything to do with the inventory. The rest of it is all there now. The flight and tome of power icons, which wouldn't be usable yet anyways, belong in the HUD, not in the status bar, so I haven't done anything with those yet. ===================================================================== 10/13/03 Created module st_hbar.c and did a lot of Heretic status bar work. I am going to have the entire bar draw every frame, since there's really not much to it. I can leave out several "cover-over" patches that Raven had to use, and it seems to have zero effect on the framerate anyways. I've been even more careful about not using Heretic's code for this. Though I have looked at it for reference, I have written my own solutions for unique and special problems, and I have organized the code in my own fashion. Also, I just used the graphics themselves to figure out part of the life chain semantics. It was easy to figure out how to move the gem across the screen, as well as how often to wrap the chain graphic to its starting coordinate, just by viewing the graphics in a paint program. ===================================================================== 10/12/03 Began implementation of the Heretic status bar. Moved DOOM-specific code out of ST_Drawer, ST_Ticker, ST_Start, and ST_Init, and created a stbarfns_t structure which holds some data about a game mode's status bar, as well as function pointers to the drawer, ticker, start, and init functions for that bar. Added a StatusBar member of that type to gameinfo_t. Fixed the problem that kept the STF_OUCH face from showing when you hurt yourself badly. I probably better implement some kind of option for this though. It's quite possible some mods or skins don't replace the STF_OUCH face, assuming it isn't used. Also, that face is kinda scary, so some people might object ;) ===================================================================== 10/09/03 ExtraData integration is complete; mapthing ED entry has been tested and works! Thanks to schepe for making a little test level for me. Here's how ED for mapthings works: The ExtraData control object has doomednum 5004. You put these wher- ever you want a thing that uses an ExtraData record. Then, you go to its options (aka flags) field and set it to a numeric value that in- dicates what ExtraData record it is supposed to use. Most editors have some method for entering an integer value into the options field. I'll be talking to gherkin about adding it to doombuilder if that editor doesn't already have it. There's always CLED, too, for the desperate. In a text script with format similar to EDF (uses libConfuse just like GFS and EDF), you then define a mapthing section, and inside it you specify the same number in that options field as the record number field. Then you specify the type and (real) options of the thing you want to spawn at that point. The x, y, and angle are taken from the ED control thing. Then - and this is where ExtraData really comes in - you can specify extended fields, such as tid, args, z, script specials, etc etc etc -- anything for which I could possibly add support. The ExtraData lump for the current level is specified via a MapInfo variable. So, here's a simple example: --------------------------------------------------------------------- *{in map}* [ ] <-- thing of type 5004; options = 1 (x, y, angle are used) *{in ExtraData lump, named FOOBAR}* // This record will spawn an Imp at the location of the control thing mapthing { recordnum = 1 // This matches the options value above type = 3001 // Note: I could also use thing:DoomImp here! options = EASY|MEDIUM|HARD|AMBUSH tid = 5 } *{in MapInfo}* [level info] extradata = FOOBAR --------------------------------------------------------------------- So, there you have it. Note that any number of things on the map can use the same ExtraData record, which could come in handy, I'm sure. Note that if an invalid record number is given, or the thing type to be spawned isn't valid, you'll either get an "Unknown" thing with the exclamation point, or nothing at all, depending on which type of error occurs. If there's no ExtraData at all, you also get an "Unknown" for all ExtraData control things. While it's a little bit round-about, I think this is probably the best possible solution for extending the DOOM map format endlessly via use of a text script. It's been 6 years in the making, and now it's finally here! I'm very excited, to say the least. Note that I am thinking about working on a global MapInfo lump. While I'll still support putting a level's info into the map header, there are various reasons why this is undesirable (requires a special utility, makes some programs angry, makes other programs crash, editors constantly clear it out, etc). Global MapInfo would use libConfuse, and each map section would declare by name the map for which it is used. I'm not totally decided on this, though. ===================================================================== 10/08/03 Large amount of ExtraData work started. Mapthings are very close to being ExtraData-enabled. ===================================================================== 10/06/03 Added a particle style flag for clipping against floors. Along with the normal drawing test in R_ProjectParticle, particles with the flag will be set to the floor and have their z acceleration and momentum zeroed once they reach it. This is needed for several of SoM's new particle effects which may be going in soon, as well as several effects from Millennium, a project that I'm trying to help out by getting some of their effects into the engine itself. Amongst those I'm going to do are drips and rain. I've been intending to do rain for quite a while, anyways, so this gives me a good excuse to get to it. Although, these objects would be best implemented using ExtraData, so I need to wait until it is operational. ===================================================================== 10/03/03 Lots of tweaks today! Tweaked the formatting in p_saveg.c while I was looking over the save game code for any problems. Made some variables and functions intro- duced in SMMU static, as they're only used in that module. Tweaked the demo_version loading code for Eternity-format demos. It uses |= now instead of +=, and avoids one += by assigning the first byte to the variable directly. Tweaked the GameType loading code also. Collapsed an extra branch and redundant function call. I've been getting sloppy, I guess. ^_^ ===================================================================== 10/02/03 Fixed up demo loading under Heretic so that demos recorded under Eternity can still play in the intro sequence, and so that you can't even force it to play old Heretic demos from anywhere. I found out quickly that Heretic doesn't even store a version number in its demos (this is probably one amongst many reasons that Heretic demos seem to have poor sync...). The first byte in the file is the skill level, and it always has a value between 0 and 4. For safety, I test against 255, which is the value that Eternity puts in the old version byte. If it's not 255, I bail out of the demo-loading process early. Changed the title/demo sequence in d_main.c to allow it to attempt to play Heretic demos. That way if a new Heretic mod for Eternity has demos, they'll play as expected. ===================================================================== 09/30/03 Improved error_printf in r_data.c to use vfprintf, avoiding an unnecessary large local string buffer and vsnprintf operation. ===================================================================== 09/29/03 Made some changes to the castinfo section in EDF. The changes break backward compatibility, but are very minor and should have very little impact on existing EDFs. The castinfo sections now require mnemonics. This is to allow a new castorder array to be specified. When it exists, it overrides the normal behavior of storing the cast call members in the order they are defined. This allows much more editing flexibility, and it really should have been done this way to begin with. This is why it's worth the minor compatibility break. Updated the local EDF docs to reflect this change, and also edited them. I caught a few mistakes and fixed a few readability issues. ===================================================================== 09/28/03 Added more code to EDF that allows loading of default frames and things when no definitions are found. The eventual goal is to have default fallbacks for every EDF module. The reason for this is to empower old EDFs with greater forward compatibility, not so that EDF authors can be irresponsible about including all the modules. From a standards point of view, all modules should be included. The only problem is that when I add new required modules, such as the soon-to-come sounds.edf, and the later-to-come weapons.edf and classes.edf, old EDF modifications can't possibly know about them. But, it is safe to assume that old EDFs just need the defaults, which are implementing the exact same behaviors that were previously hard- coded. For that I can rely on being able to separately load any of the standard EDF modules. Each module is only parsed for its guaranteed contents rather than any possible EDF structures, and the cfg objects for the individual files are discarded as soon as processing on the corresponding file is done. ===================================================================== 09/21/03 Added a new parameterized codepointer, MissileAttack. It's really cool, and can launch missiles straight or at an angle, with a custom- izable firing height and optional homing. It can also accept the DeHackEd number of a frame to use for an optional melee attack, so that you can create imp/baron/caco-style monsters which use either attack situationally. An example EDF that employs this codepointer is currently available here: This obviously cannot be used with EE 3.31 beta 3, however. Just check it out if you want to see how it works in the code. To make use of the internal P_SpawnMissileAngle function easier, I abstracted the code for determining a missile's z momentum out of P_SpawnMissile and into a new P_MissileMomz function. Fixed an issue in P_SpawnMissileAngle where the missile's target field was being set directly. This function originally came from Heretic, and that's where the problem persisted from. How Heretic ever ran, I don't know. It compounded the already-existing problems in DOOM several times and yet still got away with it. I don't think Heretic has ever crashed on me personally. ===================================================================== 09/19/03 Added several checks and verbose log warning messages in cases where EDF tries to retrieve the DeHackEd number for a thing, frame, or sound which was given the DeHackEd number -1. Such entities cannot be used in fields that are translated to DeHackEd numbers (parameterized codepointer arguments being the primary ones). The action taken is to store either the required "unknown" type, or 0 for sounds. ===================================================================== 09/13/03 Added module m_queue.c to implement a generic queue data structure which can be used to queue up any kind of structure via the same type of pointer casting used to store thinkers (which is a sort of way to simulate polymorphism or inheritance in C). All DeHackEd lumps and wads are now queued in the order they were once processed, and then all are processed in that order at one time, immediately after EDF. Sound lumps found from W_InitMultipleFiles must also be queued. If their processing is not deferred, EDF doesn't get a chance to define those sounds first, which results in all the sounds being declared as new. Also, the sound queue must now store lump names instead of lump numbers as it was able to do in fraggle's code, because once W_InitMultipleFiles returns, the master wad directory has been re- ordered and any cached lump numbers from before will be invalid. This fact wasn't obvious to me and caused me a LOT of trouble for several hours. I am preparing to possibly move all sound definitions into EDF, since all of these changes are amenable to that happening. ===================================================================== 09/11/03 Began a massive code-reordering effort in d_main.c that will enable addition of EDF-in-WAD support. Said support may not debut until beta 5 however, because of scheduling constraints. ===================================================================== 09/08/03 Added sound deltas. Updated the EDF docs for the sound and sound delta sections. Updated the console docs on the openlog and closelog commands. ===================================================================== 09/07/03 Added a true console logging system which writes all lines to a text file before they are sent to the console. The new commands openlog and closelog control this feature. The dumplog command still remains as a way to save the current console buffer (useful if you need to get something but didn't have logging on already, in particular). Changed external use of current_target and current_height console variables by the animshot command. Now it calls C_InstaPopup, a function that achieves the same thing it was doing directly. Also determined that the command prompt strings in c_io.c can be made static. With logging enabled, I altered the cmdlist command to print one command per line, fixing the readability issue with it. Of course, you will HAVE to use a log to read the whole thing since it is so long, so this is still kind of annoying. A future idea is to let a filter be provided that will cut the list down in size. Added module e_cmd.c to contain EDF-related console commands. Wrote the e_dumpthings command, which prints out a formatted list of every thing type's important ID data, including DeHackEd number, editor number, and mnemonic. ===================================================================== 09/03/03 Added support for dynamic sounds through EDF; added module e_sound.c and consolidated all sound hashing into the code there. The former run-time sound hashing code that was in s_sound.c now calls down to the corresponding EDF functions. Sounds are no longer hashed by their lump name field, since this is unreliable. They now also contain a mnemonic, which in some cases is equal to the lump name, but isn't required to be. They also contain a DeHackEd number field, like frames and things, so that new sounds added by EDF can be referred to directly by things and frames. S_StartSound and the DeHackEd parser use E_SoundForDEHNum now, so that they can play any sound with a valid DeHackEd number, and not just the builtin sounds. (Oh yeah, the original sound definitions are still internal, although they can be edited with sound delta structures, which I still need to implement). New sound lumps starting with the DS prefix are still automatically added to the sound hash, too. They won't be accessible via DeHackEd of course, since there's no way to assign them a number. They can be used by script though, and they are given a mnemonic equal to their lump name minus the DS part, for full backward compatibility. I also found a bug in i_sound.c where SoM tried to reimplement channel wrap-around. It wasn't working properly thanks to some screwy code from PrBoom. I have no idea if it's working right now though; it needs significant testing. I could swear I've heard a lot of sounds cutting off since I made the change, but maybe I'm just crazy... I wish we could just use the SDL_mixer library completely... ===================================================================== 08/28/03 - 08/31/03 Since SoM is unable to work on Eternity right now given his insane job schedule, we've decided to go ahead and push for a rapid beta 4 release featuring significant EDF revisions and possibly more Small scripting groundwork (I hope to at least get ExtraData TIDs finished). Lots of recent tweaks and bugfixes: * Found a small error in the demo reading code that would prevent BOOM and MBF demos from loading; fixed it. * Tweaked the D_HashTableKey function used by EDF and DeHackEd/BEX hash tables. No significant improvement in EDF resulted :P * Fixed a problem with savegamename's default value being set after building BEX hash tables. This might have made BEX save game name replacement break (but hardly any patches use it, so it wasn't noticed). * Put a kludge in FireCGun that stops it from crashing the game when it is used on guns with different firing frames. It may not be totally backward-compatible, but its behavior has always been poorly defined anyways. * Fixed a MAJOR problem with my custom libConfuse lexer that was preventing GFS and EDF to load at the same time. I had to write a function that totally resets the lexer to its initial state after libConfuse is done parsing. This error was not introduced until JUST before beta 3 release, which explains why I didn't catch it. * Fixed a ridiculous problem caused by the incorrect assumption that SDL key codes range from 0 to 255. Numpad keys generate codes greater than 255, and were thus causing out-of-bounds accesses in the shiftxform and keybindings tables. For now, I_GetEvent filters out-of-range key events. I'd rather actually support the numpad in the future, though. * Generalized code in e_edf.c to create E_ProcessThing and E_ProcessState, and added delta structure support to EDF. The next release of Eternity will represent EDF version 1.1. BTW, delta structures allow easier, more flexible editing of existing frames and things. They can cascade, as each is applied to its target in the order they're parsed (top to bottom always), and each only lists the fields it wishes to edit. The other fields of the object won't change. * Tweaked the cfg_opt_t structures for EDF to provide for complete case insensitivity, including the ability to refer to thing and frame mnemonics without being correct in case. EDF 1.1 won't error out or goof up if mnemonics differ only by case. * Slightly edited the speedset and nukespecial code to support later editing of speedsets and nukespecials, so that delta structures can alter the values without introducing redundant list and hash table items. * Edited C_AdjustLineBreaks to push the console up a line early if the first segment of a string cannot fit at the end of the current line. The way I did it is definitely not ideal, but then neither is most of the other console code. The cmdlist command's output looks a bit better now, though it is still very difficult to read since it's so bunched up. I don't have a solution for it yet. * Made a small change to E_StateNumForDEHNum to support old, incor- rect DeHackEd patches that use negative state numbers in some fields. They will automatically be remapped to the null state now, which is probably what the authors intended in virtually all cases. For future reference, negative state numbers are NOT to be used in DeHackEd or EDF. * Fixed a minor typo in the frame overwriting example in the EDF documentation. Also added docs on the new features added so far, so that I don't have to do it all at once later ;) ===================================================================== Changes since Eternity Engine v3.31 beta 2 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== 08/08/03 Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 3 released! Moved the call to D_ProcessGFSWads so that command-line wads are added AFTER them, so that they override any GFS-specified wads. ===================================================================== 07/25/03 Eliminated all direct usage of state number constants; added functions E_SafeState and E_NullState to EDF, and added a check to make sure the S_NULL frame is defined. It, like the "Unknown" thing type, is always required, and the game will bomb out if it's not found. So far the beta testers haven't found any actual bugs. I think most of them have stopped testing either out of laziness or boredom. I will probably release a second alpha, but if there's not much action on it, I will release v3.31 public beta 3 shortly. ===================================================================== 07/19/03 Fixed the following Small compiler issues: * error(209) in "doreturn" that was causing a segv was fixed by changing it into error(209, symname) * for loop label deletion problem was fixed * promoted error 54 (mismatched closing brace) to fatal error status to stop an assertion failure / crash in the parser. This is a kludge, but is the best that can be done without a full understanding of the compiler Schepe helped fix a major problem with pvsnprintf that was causing it to write past the end of strings with integer formatting in them, trashing the stack and causing a "two-week bug"-like effect. Problem was that pvsnfmt_int looked like it was written in two minutes :-> Schepe is now mentioned on the "About" screen under special thanks, for his consistently helpful disposition toward Eternity ^_^ Also realized that I made the buffer in C_Printf too small. Increased it to 1024, the limit of reasonability. I'm pretty sure nothing ever prints a line larger than that to the console. Even if something does, at least it will only truncate now, and not overflow. Released EE v3.31 beta 3 private alpha 1 to the beta testing team. ===================================================================== 07/18/03 Fixed one of the known issues in the Small interpreter. Array indices could be one greater than the maximum index into the array, due to a simple logical error -- use of > where >= was needed. Since it looks like Thiadmer has abandoned work on Small, I will begin to address known issues with it in Eternity's internal copy. The remaining issues with Small that are known to me, mostly in the compiler, are listed here for future reference: * The "expand" function which decompresses AMX binaries on big- endian machines may not work on some large inputs, especially programs with large arrays. It seems to use some type of asinine circular byte queue. There are two possible approaches to fixing this -- either don't compress AMX binaries on big-endian targets, thereby bypassing the problem altogether, or try to figure out precisely what this function is doing and fix it. Since Eternity hasn't been officially ported to any big-endian targets, this is low priority. * A call to the error function in "doreturn" in sc1.c in the compiler source may cause a SEGV. Problem may be a missing parameter; should be easy to fix if I can verify the problem exists. * for loops may delete labels. As with the above, this compiler bug needs to be verified. If it is for real, I have a fix for it too, which I found on the Small forums. * Code near line 236 in sc2.c (compiler again) performs a "ptr--;" on the current line, but may walk right off the near end of the string on blank lines. I don't have a fix for this, but it can probably be hacked at due to the nature of the error (C related, and not deeply semantic). I'm unsure what triggers this error. * There may be some confusion going on between the ++ and -- operators. I have no idea what this is about or what could be causing it, and furthermore I don't know how to trigger it. If it shows up, I don't think I'll be able to fix it :( * The sizeof operator may behave erratically when multidimensional arrays are passed to functions. The user who reported this error was vague about it, however. It may just be that they didn't understand the way that Small uses arrays. I should be able to write some test programs for this, but I doubt I'll be able to fix it if there's a problem :/ This is a lot of problems. Most of them are in the compiler, and can be avoided either by writing correct code (which is always good), writing slightly different code (who really NEEDS ++ or -- anyways), or by avoiding things like HUGE arrays, or passing arrays to functions (could just use a global, or some other approach, and use known array indices when possible instead of sizeof). I was getting discouraged about Small, but since fixing the array issue I feel better and I think I was just being a brat earlier, wanting everything my way without having to work for it. I will attempt to trigger more of these errors, and if I can, fix them. The Small compiler is a beast, though, so I'm not optimistic about fixing very many of its issues. Hopefully they will turn out to be largely avoidable. I would love for Eternity to have an almost bugless scripting language, so that people can write ridiculous, huge, and impractical scripts in it, but the time for realism is now. The alternative, changing languages again, is less appealing to me than having to warn people about a few problems in the Small compiler. ===================================================================== 07/13/03 Eliminated all direct usage of thing types. Features and changes incurred during the process: * Rewrote the segment of code in the killem cheat / nuke console command that took special actions for certain thing types. It is now codepointer-based. A thing type can specify a "nukespecial" and give it a BEX codepointer mnemonic. It is then added to a very small hash table in m_cheat.c, and the special action is run whenever a thing of that type is killed by the cheat. The only two pointers expressly made for use with this are PainNukeSpec and SorcNukeSpec, for the Pain Elemental and D'Sparil's first form, respectively. * Made -fast speeds for projectiles editable. When "fastspeed" is set by a thing type, a speedset_t is allocated and put into a linked list in g_game.c. Any time the -fast mode of the game is changed, all the things in the list will have their speeds swapped appropriately. It saves a significant amount of space to not keep this field in mobjinfo_t itself, as it does for the above. * Made particle effects editable as a new flag field in mobjinfo. Available particle effects are: * ROCKET -- thing gives off a rocket trail * GRENADE -- thing gives off a grenade trail (this effect may change) * FLIES -- thing has a persistent swarm of flies around it * BFG -- thing has a persistent BFG particle swarm It is also possible to specify the particle fountain effects, but only one at a time, and this is of minimal use, so I will not list them here. Note when missiles explode, their particle effects are disabled. * Made monster item drop types editable as a new field in mobjinfo. Simply specify "droptype" and list another (or the same!) thing type for it to drop. This is not related to the HticDrop pointer in any way, so its effects could even be combined with this. There's absolutely no limit to what something can drop, be it a powerup, another enemy, keys, etc. Only one drop item is specifiable via this field, though. * Added a method-of-death field to mobjinfo and provided a way to edit MOD types in EDF, although this is currently somewhat insatis- factory, as I have it using simple integer values rather than strings. Its a pain to add a bunch of strings and do yet another search over them 9_9 These were added to enable a total rewrite of the obituary system... * Rewrote the obituary system. Two new const char * fields in mobjinfo point to dynamically allocated obituary strings, one for normal attacks and one for melee attacks. Non-thing death messages, such as those for falling damage, nukage, crushers, and deathmatch, are editable through BEX text mnemonics. * Made the thing types spawned by Boss Brains through the SpawnFly codepointer editable. You just specify a list of 11 thing type names in order, like this: boss_spawner_types = { DoomImp, Demon, Spectre, PainElemental, Cacodemon, Archvile, Revenant, Arachnotron, Mancubus, HellKnight, BaronOfHell } This doesn't allow you to add MORE thing types, and there MUST be exactly 11. But this is more flexible than it was before. To allow even more flexibility would either require breaking compatibility, or providing some very hackish and clumsy extra fields. * Added the following flags3 values in order to generalize a number of previously hard-coded thing type behaviors: * MF3_NOTHRESHOLD -- Archviles have no damage threshold for acquiring a new target. If anything hurts them at all, they will start fighting it. Normal enemies won't change targets for a while. * MF3_FLOORMISSILE -- Code for the Maulotaur's floor missile has been in Eternity all along. This generalizes the ability for a floor-running missile to go up steps and down drop-offs. * MF3_SUPERITEM -- Specifies that the item will respawn only when the "super items respawn" deathmatch flag is asserted. The only things with this status by default are the InvisiSphere and InvulnSphere. * MF3_NOITEMRESP -- a new effect, enables an item to not respawn. This was not previously an option, and would probably be useful for some "unique" items in mods. ===================================================================== 07/12/03 Began the process of converting direct usage of thing type constants into DeHackEd number lookups. Identified several new "EDF FIXME" points and have begun to address them one by one. Changed the skin viewer code to resolve the MT_PLAYER type in its initialization routine. Implemented MF3_KILLABLE and MF3_DEADFLOAT flags to eliminate special treatment of the Lost Soul throughout the engine. KILLABLE allows a thing with it to be treated as an enemy even though it doesn't possess the COUNTKILL flag. DEADFLOAT keeps a thing from having the NOGRAVITY flag cleared when it dies, so that it won't drop to the ground. ===================================================================== 07/11/03 Updated various parts of libConfuse to catch up some more with v2.0 and with the current CVS revisions. Applied Martin's slightly different fixes to bugs I had already addressed. Also added the section overwriting code, so that should be good to go. Tuned up the custom lexer a bit, as well. Removed the dangerous static string buffer and replaced it with the dynamically reallocating array system that Martin wrote for libConfuse v2.0's lexer. Also eliminated two cases where the lexer could possibly have entered an invalid state or infinite loop on malformed input. Added support for single- quoted strings, as well. I was just being lazy when I left this out in the initial write-up. Since I removed the NUM_REQ_SPRITES check from EDF, I went ahead and #if 0'd out the spritenum_t enumeration. Now there are no sprite enumeration values used at all, anywhere ^_^ spritenum_t has been changed to a typedef for int. Note that the mobjtype_t and statenum_t enumerations will most likely persist, since they can be harnessed as DeHackEd numbers for the corresponding entities (with a slight adjustment to mobjtype_t to bump up the values by one...). I haven't decided whether codepointers and the such should call for things by DeHackEd number or by name yet. The argument for DeHackEd number is that the hash key computation complexity is far lower, and thus the added overhead would be mini- mized. This seems important to me, since lookups will be performed constantly on hundreds of different entities. Perhaps the ultimate solution will be had through a case-by-case evaluation, though. ===================================================================== 07/10/03 Declared info.c mostly extinct. The old frames and things data is #if 0'd out, but I may remove it since it adds a large amount of data to the source code archive. Removed the temporary NOTDONEYET #define that was in use during the period of time where EDF would not compile, and then while its stability was still questionable (hopefully we are beyond that point). Finally got around to physically removing the FraggleScript modules from the source directory and from the MSVC project. I had to go through and comment everything out first so as not to corrupt the browser info, and this is why I was putting it off for so long :P Evaluated all the TODO and FIXME flags in the source. Several FIXMEs were determined to either be fixed or to not be problems in the first place, so I removed them. Most of the TODOs are, well, still to be done ^_^ Stuff that needs to be done for EDF soon is being flagged with an "EDF FIXME". This stuff will definitely be done before beta 3 release, because it's more or less required. Emailed Martin Hedenfalk about various libConfuse issues, in order to both ask a question and to make sure he knew about the few bugs I found. He turned out to be pretty friendly, although he'd fixed most of those bugs in CVS already :-> I need to add the code from v2.0 that allows like-named sections to overwrite each other. Other- wise, it is impossible to edit any state or thing without replacing the entirety of frames.edf or things.edf, which is ridiculous and unnecessary, and would cause cross-version compatibility issues. If like-named sections overwrite, it will allow you to, for instance, override the BaronOfHell type by defining a new type called BaronOfHell. It'll overwrite all the values of the original section, and is totally transparent to the code I have already written for EDF. This is an absolute must :P Coincidentally, this will make checks for duplicate frame and thing mnemonics in EDF unnecessary, which might speed up the processing just a tiny bit. ===================================================================== 07/09/03 Added a cool new parameterized codepointer, PlayerThunk. It allows player gun frames to call a select set of monster codepointers, and provides a full set of parameter values that makes their functional- ity customizable to a degree, such that they work better as player attacks. Added a flags field to the deh_bexptrs array to support this, and defined a flag value which tells which pointers can be used by this one. BTW, in case you think I'm insane or just can't spell, "thunk" is a word in computer science which is used to describe a sort of call- down procedure, or function wrapper, meant to perform a conversion on its parameters. PlayerThunk does this by "converting" the player_t parameter in the gun frame action function into an mobj_t parameter for a monster action function ^_^ I have to thank Nanami for inspiring this. Her misadventures with a Mancubus pointer on a chainsaw for ZooM made me decide to finally get this feature done, which I'd been considering for a long time. Here's the documentation from codeptrs.txt, edited slightly for space: PlayerThunk Type: Player attack, parameterized Parameter Information: * Args1 = Index of codepointer to call (no default, must be valid) * Args2 = Select target facing behavior (default of 0 = 0) * 0 = FaceTarget pointer has no effect * 1 = FaceTarget pointer is active * Args3 = DeHackEd number of state to put player in temporarily (default of 0 = no state set; must be a valid state number) * Args4 = Select targeting behavior (default of 0 = 0) * 0 = Player targets last attacker, if any * 1 = Player targets current autoaim target, if any (attack fails if none) * Args5 = Select ammo usage (default of 0 = 0) * 0 = No ammo is used * 1 = Normal amount of ammo is used, if applicable (see note below about autoaim targeting) Purpose: Allows player gun frames to call a select set of monster code-pointers which have been determined as safe for use in this context. If the index parameter indicates an invalid codepointer, or any of the other parameters have invalid values, nothing will occur. New to Eternity. Notes: If targeting behavior is set to autoaim, and ammo usage is on, no ammo is used unless the player follows through with an attack on his current target. Otherwise, ammo would be used despite no attack occuring. This may become an additional ammo usage option in the future. The Args3 field is provided for use with parameterized code- pointers, so that they can retrieve args values from a different frame. The player will NOT display a sprite, call an action function, or cause a particle event from this state. ===================================================================== 07/05/03 Added over 624 lines of code to e_edf.c to drive home the completion of basic EDF. Things and frames are now completely dynamic. Adjusted code in some of the parameterized codepointers, DeHackEd parsing routines, and P_SetMobjState to work with EDF. There is still some more of this sort of work which needs to be done. Some of it may be difficult to discover without extensive beta testing. Added support for include functions to EDF, to allow the information to be split into multiple files of manageable size and associated content. There are two include functions. The normal "include" includes files relative to the path of the file doing the inclusion, as you would normally expect. "stdinclude" includes files relative to the executable's directory. This allows user EDF mods to easily include the default EDF files for adding objects where necessary. Added code to the GFS for specification of a root EDF file, and added code in d_main.c to check for both that specification and for the -edf command-line parameter. Added DOOM II cast call editing via EDF, a feature I've wanted myself for years (it's always been irritating how DeHackEd mods mess up the cast call so badly, and there's nothing they can do about it). Parts of F_StartCast and the other code in f_finale.c were seriously rewritten to support this. Added two new console commands in p_enemy.c: * summon thingtypename [specialflag] Like its namesake in zdoom, this allows you to summon a thing using its EDF thing type name. This is MUCH more convenient that using the spawn command (which is still supported, and is actually chained down to by this one). The second parameter can still be provided with the same meanings that it has for spawn. * give thingtypename [number] This command gives 1, or if provided, number, items of the indicated type to you by instantly dropping them at your location and having you pick them up. If the items aren't picked up, they're immediately removed. So you can do stuff like "give AmmoClip 10" or "give WeaponBFG". Very cool. I may extend this command in the future to allow you to give health and the such, as in zdoom and Quake 2, but this is VERY low priority. Fixed a bug in the libConfuse parser that was causing parameters to functions to cascade on to subsequent function calls. This bug was introduced accidentally in v2.0 of that library. Update: Martin Hedenfalk noted this has been fixed in CVS ^_^ ===================================================================== 07/03/03 Various little things were done during June, but nothing worth taking the time to mention in this file. Added two new particle effects, flies and the BFG particle swarm. These are taken almost directly from Quake 2. All I had to do was change a divisor that controls the rate of animation, and turn the final coordinates into fixed-point numbers. These DO use floating- point arithmetic. I tried to avoid it, but the overflow would be horrific. Added a new particle event, #2, the BFG particle explosion. General- ized the rocket explosion code to do this, since the absolute only difference, even in Quake 2, is the color of the particles produced. The new event is called pevt_bfgexpl. ===================================================================== 05/29/03 Added the cfg_opt_t structure for EDF states to e_edf.c, so the framework for parsing the states is now in place. The EDF "frame" block looks like this (variable elements are in <>'s, and all fields can be allowed to default, and can be provided in any order, as with the rest of EDF): frame # gives this frame its name { sprite = # name of sprite spriteframe = # integer value of sprite frame fullbright = # true or false tics = # duration (35 tics = 1 sec) action = # codepointer nextframe = # name of next frame to go to misc1 = # misc value (arg or psprite align) misc2 = # misc value (arg or psprite align) particle_event = # particle event args = { , ... } # arguments to codepointer } So, an example frame translated from the source code would look like this: frame S_MUMMYFX1_2 { sprite = FX15 spriteframe = 1 fullbright = true tics = 5 action = HticTracer nextframe = S_MUMMYFX1_3 args = { 10, 20 } } Sprite names, codepointer names, particle event names, and nextframe identifiers are resolved through chained hash tables. The fields of the frame structure which are indicated as taking can accept special values which include frame mnemonics, thing mnemonics, sound names, et al., so that those identifiers can be used as arguments to codepointers. In order for those types of arguments to be resolved, the special identifiers will be required to start with certain prefixes. For instance, all sound names start with "sfx_", all thing names will start with "MT_", and all frame names will start with "S_". This allows the namespace of the identifier to be inferred. If no special namespace is identified, those arguments will be interpreted as integers (ie, "10" becomes the literal value 10). The args list can currently accept up to 5 values. Values beyond that will be ignored, and values not provided will default to 0. ===================================================================== 05/22/03 Applied a new, general fix to the problem of bouncing objects sticking to the sky. If a non-missile, gravity-effected bouncer touched a sky ceiling, its z momentum would remain unchanged, and it would be set to a position just under the sky. Thus, it would continue to enter the "hit sky" code segment on every frame, and would stay exactly where it was height-wise, bouncing around violently on the x/y plane like an air hockey puck. It's obvious that this bug was a simple oversight in Lee's logic. Apparently he thought that the object was going to fall through to a gravity calculation below, and it may have in fact happened at one point, but then stopped after he modified the code for multiple types of bouncers. Now, the object will sort of glide across the sky for a split second, and begin to fall under gravity naturally. This looks pretty realistic, and is as good as its going to get. Julian wanted me to have the object arch up above the sky, but P_XYMovement and P_CheckPosition won't allow objects above the ceiling to move, and that would require too large of a modification IMO. ===================================================================== 05/11/03 Added "pickupitem" section to EDF, to allow association of pickup effects with sprites. A pickup effect can be assigned to any number of sprites, but currently each sprite can only have one effect. This is likely to remain this way, since an N-to-N mapping would be inefficient, and it will be easier to support general item pickups through ExtraData, an EDF thing field, and/or scripting. Also added "playersprite" and "blanksprite" fields, to eliminate instances of SPR_PLAY and SPR_TNT1 from the source code. Now, the only remaining places where sprite enumeration values are used are in info.c itself, and will thus be eliminated when the frames are moved to EDF. Once that happens, I can eliminate the required minimum number of sprites and the requirement that they be in a now arbitrary order. ===================================================================== 05/08/03 Finally added custom blood colors for monsters, but only for parti- cles, as I feel the space required for and drawing slowdown caused by color range translation tables for sprites would be unjustified. A new field has been added to mobjinfo_t, bloodcolor, and a corre- sponding mnemonic, "Blood color", added to the DeHackEd Things block. The currently supported blood colors are as follows: 0 - Red (normal) 1 - Grey 2 - Green 3 - Blue 4 - Yellow 5 - Black 6 - Purple 7 - White 8 - Orange Each choice of basic color can make the particles use either one or two shades of the color, depending on the availability of the colors in the particleColors array. If I add more colors to that array, expect to see support for more blood colors. Brown is a very likely candidate, as it would be needed for a sewage TerrainType too. ===================================================================== 05/06/03 Ported Eternity to the MinGW compiler with quite a bit of work, most spent, ironically, on compiling SDL_mixer 9_9 The porting process revealed the following problems: Apparently only DJGPP's mkdir has two arguments, as MinGW's does not. For now, I've inverted the #ifdef's around the two calls to mkdir to use one parameter when DJGPP is NOT defined, and two when it is. This isn't a general solution though, and needs some work. M_Strupr and M_Strlwr were both relying on undefined behavior, which looked like this (except using tolower in M_Strlwr): *s++ = toupper(*s); This looks like it should work, but it turns out that between the undefined order of parameter evaluation under ANSI/ISO C, and the (odd) behavior of the ++ operator, this expression could be inter- preted in several different ways. In DJGPP and VC++, it works as expected, with the the pointer being incremented after being dereferenced for the function call. In MinGW, the total opposite happened. So in short, I fix0r3d it ^_^ There was no newline at the end of psnprntf.c -- interestingly, MinGW DOES simply warn about this, rather than causing an error like DJGPP does. I prefer the former behavior, even IF the latter is standard ;) There was a declaration of static void P_RemoveComments(void) left in p_info.c -- this function was removed as part of the purge of Fraggle- Script support systems (this was just a warning). R_DrawTLColumn had a variable defaulting to type int -- I think Lee accidentally left out the keyword here, as the rest of his variables were declared register int, and not just register :-> stdarg.h needed to be included in i_system.h for I_ErrorVA -- why didn't any other compilers catch this? o_O ===================================================================== 04/20/03 Added a skin viewer menu widget, accessible from the player options menu. It looks and acts mostly like a menu widget, but draws a fullscreen background, the player sprite, and some instructions for usage. You can rotate the player to any angle and make him shoot, die, gib, animate at half speed, and respawn (if he's dead) -- he walks when doing nothing else. This is a really neat feature. In the process, fixed a couple of bugs: The menu overdraw optimization in D_Drawer wasn't smart about menu widgets, so if a widget came up over a menu, you pretty much couldn't tell what was going on, since the background failed to start drawing again. Also, the optimization needed to still be on for some widgets like the help/about screens, and the new skin viewer, so I added a "fullscreen" boolean member to the menuwidget_t structure, and adjusted all the widgets (not very many at all) to reflect their nature. Any widget that is one of: 1) a fullscreen graphic, 2) draws a tiled background, or 3) calls MN_MenuDrawer itself to draw a current menu, should mark itself as fullscreen. Screen sprites were being drawn with the cr_red color range trans- lation table, which, despite claims to the contrary in the BOOM docs, doesn't only remap the red range, but parts of the brown as well. This made parts of player skin sprites turn dark brown when they should have been left alone. Now, V_DrawPatchTranslated interprets a NULL translation table as meaning that it should call down to V_DrawPatch (something that it ONCE did for the cr_red table, but which caused problems with TCs and thus was changed by fraggle). ===================================================================== 04/18/03 Restored some code to the starttitle console command that was lost from MBF that might be critical for proper transitions between demos et al. May need testing. Restored netgame checking to the mn_endgame console command, also lost in conversion from MBF. The game would not actually start a new game during a netgame, but it would fail to tell the user why and would go several calls deep in the stack before figuring out that it couldn't do it. Now it just dispenses with the menu action immediately and gives the classic message. Did some major restructuring of the menus. Will need user feedback on the new setup, but I think its improved somewhat over the previous one. You don't need to go as deep to get to a lot of options, and some are in much more logical locations ===================================================================== 04/17/03 Added support for quoted long file names in response files, following the lead of prboom (used their code for it, in fact ;) -- this has enabled a large amount of progress on the long-delayed official EE Win32 frontend, which will hopefully get a v1.0 release along with EE v3.31 beta 3. ===================================================================== 04/16/03 Added basepath specification support to GFS, so that GFS do not necessarily need to refer to files relative to their own location. If basepath is specified, it is appended to all file names in the GFS. Added IWAD file support to GFS, so that users can add their IWAD paths to their own custom GFS files. This feature won't be useful to mod authors, of course, unless their project happens to be or to include an IWAD. Updated some parts of the libConfuse source to match the new 2.0 release of that library. However, since I wanted to retain my new custom lexer, I was unable to fully implement all of the changes. This is unfortunate, since libConfuse can now itself parse data sources and provide complete sets of defaults for sections, but for now at least the sacrifice seems necessary. ===================================================================== 04/14/03 Forgot to mention that I fixed the HU/status bar frags count bug a couple of days ago. Turned out that HU_FragsUpdate was just being called a few lines too early in P_SetupLevel, whereas it needed to be called a bit afterward in G_DoNewLevel, AFTER the frag counts were updated. Totally rewrote the console command alias code. It was using a fixed- size array with absolutely NO bounds checking, and also had several other bizarre bugs and potential crashes. Now it uses a linked list. I originally tried using a reallocated array, but since aliases must support removal, that system was not practical. Fixed a silly little bug that was causing keys to make your view go to max pickup palette level if you stood on them in coop mode. Was just a failure to return earlier than necessary, caused by earlier rewriting of P_TouchSpecialThing. Added deathmatch flags, after trying to think of some consistent way to allow stuff like item respawning in any game type. GameType is now only one of gt_single, gt_coop, or gt_dm. Everything else is decided via dmflags. There are console commands (dmflags and defdmflags), a new dmflags menu (under Features->Multiplayer->Game Options->Advanced), and the ability to provide a dmflags value on the command line (-dmflags). The old parameters -deathmatch, -altdeath, and -trideath still work of course, and they initialize dmflags with the appropriate values, but -dmflags will still override those if it is present. These are the DM flags currently available (more to come very soon): Flag Name Value Meaning --------------------------------------------------------------- DM_ITEMRESPAWN -- 1 -- normal items respawn DM_WEAPONSTAY -- 2 -- placed weapons remain on level DM_BARRELRESPAWN -- 4 -- barrels respawn DM_PLAYERDROP -- 8 -- players drop items when killed DM_RESPAWNSUPER -- 16 -- invis. and invuln. powerups respawn A meager start, but I have plans for some more, as I said before ;) I expect to implement a few of the effects that zdoom provides, such as not allowing exit, infinite ammo, and a few others, for sure. ===================================================================== 04/12/03 Found an original DOOM bug while playing Chex Quest 2 with Eternity. WI_drawOnLnode expects an array of patches of exactly size 2 to be passed to it. This is because it tests to see if the patch can fit on screen, and if not, uses a second, alternate patch. This behavior was designed for drawing the "YOU ARE HERE" patches on the Ultimate DOOM map screens. But whoever at id wrote this code decided to use the function for the splat patch that's drawn on the levels too. Problem? The splat patch is just a pointer to one patch, not an array. So if the patch didn't fit, the code tried to access a non-existant alternate. DOOM probably would have drawn some ugly garbage on the screen or something, but it made Eternity crash. Fixed by adding a "numpatches" parameter to the function, and having it use that as the maximum array index, rather than assuming the array contains 2 patches. Inverted the format of the changelog because of an annoying scrollbar bug in UltraEdit-32. Plus, this format makes more sense really. ===================================================================== 04/11/03 Added SDL page-flipping support, enabled via the "use_vsync" variable (the name is a bit wrong, but the end effect is more or less the same). Page flipping eliminates more or less all screen tearing, which is when it looks like the top of the screen is a frame ahead of the bottom. I dunno about anyone else, but it's quite terrible on my box without page flipping. A *tiny* bit of frame rate loss may occur with this, so it is totally optional. Also added SDL surface locking in I_FinishUpdate. I have gotten two crashes from SDL_mixer's MIDI lately. My patience for the library, which it turns out uses MCI code nearly identical to that which was in Eternity prior to the v3.29 gamma release, has grown very thin. In order to ensure that the crashes are SDL_mixer's fault and not ours, I did a review of the sound code, and ended up fixing these issues: * I_InitSound + added SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) call, which docs demand + made I_InitMusic call dependent on whether or not sound effects were initialized, since if SDL_mixer uses a subsystem like Timidity, it is dependent on it being initialized * I_ShutdownMusic + changed I_StopMusic call's handle to 0 (was 1) * I_PlaySong + added handle rangecheck * I_UnRegisterSong + added handle rangecheck * I_RegisterSong + explicitly assigned NULL to music[0] at beginning of function + eliminated all instances of returning -1 as a music handle on failure + fixed a major bug where the cached music lump was freed, and then later would try to be Z_ChangeTag(PU_CACHE)'d by S_StopSong -- this would more than likely cause zone heap corruption, although I doubt this has anything to do with the SDL_mixer crashes * S_ChangeMusic + Changed music lump allocation level from PU_MUSIC to PU_STATIC. I don't have any idea what PU_MUSIC even is, as its never used anywhere else, and I don't want the music being spuriously freed. To ensure that, I just made it PU_STATIC, which is never freed implicitly. ===================================================================== 04/10/03 Rewrote all the game-type checking and setting code so that deathmatch and co-op rules can be freely enforced, even in single player mode. The reliance on "netgame" being true to mean coop, and bizarre inconsistencies between reliance on netgame and on the value of "deathmatch" for deathmatch stuff was what was causing it to be impossible to try out before. If any type of bots, DM flags, or alternate modes of play are added in the future, this change should help immensely. Found out that HUD and status bar frag counts are messed up. They don't update properly at the start of a new level, even though the players' frag counts have been properly zeroed, as witnessed to by the intermission, or once a frag occurs on the new level (the values suddenly become correct). Might take a bit of work to figure this out; fraggle probably rarely tested deathmatch, if at all. At least the ultra-cool features like player status bar face bg's and the frags scoreboard seem to work flawlessly. I was afraid that once this stuff was testable, I'd find out none of it worked, but those fears were not justified after all :P Also changed the "deathmatch" netvar to "gametype." You are not allowed to set gametype to "single" if netplay is in progress. I also have no idea on the possible ramifications of changing rules during levels, especially in a real netgame. Once Eternity has netcode this will become more testable. Until then, its best to start a new game immediately after changing game types. That ALWAYS ensures that everything is set properly. Noticed today that DETH only allows input from 0 to 255 for mapthing angles. Pain in the freakin' ass. Had to change ExtraData plans back to using the flags field, for which hopefully many, if not most, editors allow entry of arbitrary values from 0 to 32767. To make this easier, I globalized deh_ThingFlags and the dehflags_t struct, and renamed the function to deh_ParseFlags. It can now be used freely by EDF and ExtraData to parse flag fields from quoted or unquoted libConfuse strings. Tres bien! ===================================================================== 04/08/03 Finally got around to changing the behavior of the intermission camera code when I found out that the MT_CAMERA (doomednum 5003) thing wasn't even being used. Now, if not in an older demo, MT_CAMERA objects will actually be spawned and then collected into an array with P_CollectThings (just like boss brain spots and D'Sparil teleport destinations). This is opposed to simply collecting the mapthing_t's like deathmatch spots do. If an old demo is playing, the cameras are simply not collected or used. I might need to verify that this doesn't break 3.29 demos, although I don't care much, to be frank. ===================================================================== 04/06/03 Added a "silencer" powerup effect that makes the player's weapons not wake up enemies. Also added a "silence" cheat to activate the effect. ===================================================================== 04/05/03 Decided to start keeping up the changelog again, after a long time of neglect. The "two-week bug" which Eternity experienced in December, which was due to drastic string buffer overflow in the SMMU HUD code, put me off ALL things Eternity-related, including this file, for months. But now that beta 2 is out, and beta 3 is rapidly approaching, I need to be a responsible coder :P Recent changes from the last two months (ie, notable stuff I can remember): * Added BEX codepointer mnemonic hashing finally, since it will be needed by EDF as well, and in the process, removed the silly addition of A_ to the mnemonics in the DeHackEd code, and fixed a bug in some of Ty's code where the mnemonic table was being indexed from 0 to NUMSTATES, instead of from 0 to the number of mnemonic entries. Interesting that this never caused any noticeable problems. * Added portable snprintf and vsnprintf implementation I found on the web, to end issues with the non-portability of these functions (despite the fact they are both ANSI-mandated, many libraries do not have them, or have buggy or poorly-behaved implementations). Code was freely licensed. * Added portable itoa implementation, derived from the DJGPP libc source. I'm sick of the ANSI library not providing so many basic, necessary functions >:P The implementation in Eternity can be disabled, to cut down on unnecessary code, and will default to the platform's libc version if so directed. It is automatically not used for DJGPP and MSVC, both of which I know have it. * Converted all usages of (v)sprintf where the resulting length of the string was not STRICTLY deterministic to p(v)snprintf. This should drastically cut down on the possibility of another "two-week bug" incident, as well as vastly increasing Eternity's security. String buffer overflow can be very dangerous, security-wise. * Major Small progress. Callbacks, the levelscript, and call by number are all finished. Also added call-across capability between the two VMs (had to be careful not to allow reentrant calls though, which are not supported by Eternity for philosophical reasons). * Added libConfuse, an LGPL configuration file parser library, which implements more or less the exact language that I need for both ExtraData and EDF. First tested it out on a new idea I had, GFS, game file script, which is sort of like a cleaner form of response file that you can distribute with your DOOM mods. * EDF Progress: The sprite names array is now read from EDF and dynamically allocated. Issue: need to eliminate the small number of sprite constants used directly in the source so that I can remove the requirement for there to be at least NUM_REQ_SPRITES entries, and remove dependencies on the order of those entries. * Rewrote libConfuse, after some problems were discovered, to use a new custom lexer, and to be able to parse both lumps and files. Rather than compiling it as a separate library, it's now tightly integrated with Eternity and uses assets such as zone memory and the d_io suite of wad lump stdio emulation functions. Changed the license on the library files from LGPL to GPL, as directed by the text of the LGPL license, so that they don't conflict. * ExtraData implementation has begun. Removed temp file kludges after libConfuse rewrite, so that ExtraData can now be parsed directly from lump. Now I need to write the internal engine code for maintenance and access of things by TID, for which I'll probably use a zdoomesque solution of threaded hash chains. Once TIDs are in, I will be able to write a vast number of new Small native functions for player and mapthing interaction, as well. * Rewrote a large part of the skin code to resolve problems with static limits, buffer overflows (very minor ones, but we know how THOSE kinds of problems can just blow up...), and strange inconsistencies, such as skin sound names sometimes being NULL. This also will enable easier transition toward Heretic compatibility, since the sound names and the such are tablified now. * Added simple checks to the sound starting functions to ignore NULL string names and to range check sfxinfo_t indices, so that every freakin' place that starts sounds doesn't need to do its own rangechecking. I mean, come on, what is the deal? After 10 or so people have worked on the code, you'd think I wouldn't be the first to realize that server error checking is better than client error checking in a case like this -- it's more reliable and reduces code size ^_^ On a related issue, improved the safety of Lee's parameterized codepointer functions from MBF -- they didn't do any rangechecking on the parameters, which is too dangerous for an end-user facility. * Fixed a cute little bug in the obituaries where being killed by a non-enemy exploding object like a barrel or Heretic pod caused the game to say you "suicided" (that is definitely NOT a word...). Anyways, now it says " should have stood back," like it does when you kill yourself with your own rocket. This is kinda pointless though, as the obituary code is pending a rewrite as soon as EDF supports mapthings ^_^ ===================================================================== Changes since Eternity Engine v3.31 beta 1 ===================================================================== See above. ===================================================================== Changes since Eternity Engine v3.29 Gamma ===================================================================== ===================================================================== 09/11/02 Decided to dedicate the release of Eternity to 9/11 victims, not to look good or something, but because I have felt burdened by it all day and I think its a fine gesture to make. ===================================================================== 09/10/02 Attempted to address some of the problems experienced by Joel Murdoch with the latest GCC and verified that the DOS build compiles. Fixed a few bugs in the process, including one with the new FireCustomBullets code pointer -- it was using the damage modulus as the whole damage value -- oPS!!!!!!111 ^_^ ===================================================================== 09/07/02 Added various fixes for some 3DMIDTEX issues, including allowing monsters to move about freely over dropoffs when on top of them, and NOT allowing them to hang half-way over certain lines by giving those lines the ML_BLOCKMONSTERS flag but treating it specially for that kind of line, such that it only blocks non-floating monsters tangent to the surface. ===================================================================== 09/05/02 Added ML_3DMIDTEX line flag by SoM, which clips things only within the visible portion of a line's middle texture. Fixed a line of code in C_ScrollUp() to make the console snap back to the input prompt when the message buffer is reduced. This prevents a problem with the console getting flooded so quickly with messages that it becomes impossible to scroll back completely. Fixed C_AddMessage to write the default color at the beginning of each message. This stops problems with strings inappropriately making later strings the wrong color. I need to clean up all the messages in the game to remove unnecessary color codes now that this is in place. Fixed exitlevel console command to disallow zombie exits unless comp[comp_zombie] is set to 1. Updated all documentation for v3.31 beta 1. ===================================================================== 09/02/02 All the entries above from 7/12/02 to present were written by me today, based on information I amassed all at once from the source code. Of course, a few issues and changes have been missed due to my sloppiness in keeping up the changelog. So, a couple of things that were missed that I have no specific dates for are the following: * The C_AddChar function was replaced with a better solution, C_AddMessage, which itself sends all the characters of an input string to the console. This was necessary to appropriately propagate the color of the text when a forced line break occured. This still has a few problems that need to be worked out, though. * Some of the new Heretic game mode strings have BEX mnemonics: BGFLATHEx, with x = 1-5, == Heretic episode end bg flats HHUSTR_ExMy, with x = 1-5 and y = 1-9, == Heretic automap level names HxTEXT, with x = 1-5, == Heretic episode ending texts * Added a function G_SetGameMapName which always sets the gamemapname variable appropriately. In the process, fixed a serious timing bug in the "map" console command which could crash the game, and also set the automap level name incorrectly. Save games suffered a brief period of non-functionality, but this was due to a mistake of my own which I quickly fixed. * Added a "screenshot" console command since the print screen button is borked under Windows. * Added a getch() call and "Press any key to continue" message when stdin is valid under Windows to keep Eternity's console window from slamming shut. Windows is the rudest operating system on earth. * Divided wi_stuff.c into two modules. Everything DOOM-specific stays in wi_stuff.c, and everything universally applicable has moved to in_lude.c. hi_stuff.c is a new module which implements the Heretic intermission code. The gameinfo_t structure holds some function pointers which are called by the in_lude code to give a consistent interface to all game mode intermissions. ===================================================================== 09/01/02 Added zdoom-style translucency system. This system has a 74k total memory footprint to achieve effects which under BOOM would require about 4 MB, and those are, of course, smooth fading and multiple simultaneous translucency levels. Don't panic though, the BOOM system is still intact and can be used just as always for things and lines. There's no harm in having redundancy here, since the additional code is small, and the BOOM code is a bit faster while the zdoom code is more flexible. Added a "Translucency" field to the DeHackEd thing block to support this. Just as in zdoom, the argument is between 0 and 65536 (note that the internal storage is currently inverted however, due to some input issues -- hopefully this hack will be resolved in the future ;) Added a test for zero-length nodes to P_LoadNodes. The game bombs out with an error message because this error is unavoidably fatal, it seems. Added "r_ptcltrans" console command to control the type of translucency used by the particle system when general translucency is enabled. "none" equals no translucency, which looks positively horrible, "smooth" equals the wonderful goodness that is zdoom-style translucency, and "general" is BOOM-style translucency, as was used in v3.29 gamma and earlier. Interestingly, in order of appearance, best to worst, these are ranked: smooth, general, none and in order of speed, fastest to slowest, these are ranked: none, general, smooth Computer science is always about trade-offs and not win-win situations :P ===================================================================== 08/30/02 Tall sky texture support is now complete. I had to write a cache structure in r_sky.c that keeps data on encountered sky textures that tells how to draw them based on their tallest patch height, rather than the texture height as specified in the textures lump. This cache uses a small chained hash table, so its about as efficient as it can possibly get. It should never get very large unless a level uses dozens of sky textures, something which has yet to be endevoured even despite its possibility (now watch somebody make a level with 150 unique sky textures just to spite me). ===================================================================== 08/25/02 Somebody found out that trying to load a game from an empty save slot caused a segv. Stupid error. I also figured out that W_CacheLump's lax changing of the cache level tag on its allocations to whatever the caller requests really CAN cause problems, as I had expected a couple of years ago but never verified. SoM sent me a WAD of his that used the font characters as patch graphics in a texture. This is normally fine, but when the texture cache code would allocate the font character patches at level PU_CACHE, the font code would still expect them to be loaded PU_STATIC such that they would never go away, ever. Well, needless to say, this would cause the font to break completely as all the characters would mysteriously disappear and/or change into other bits of graphics or letters. W_CacheLump now only sets the cache level if the requested cache level is MORE restrictive than the current level. This way if some owner has staked a PU_STATIC claim on some cached lump, nobody else can come along to say they want it at PU_CACHE and make the original owner lose its data without any warning. This is the cost of trying to do this kind of stuff in C. The language gives you absolutely no help :P Added a new compatibility flag while testing the same level from SoM. He had a DeHackEd patch that made a suicide barrel enemy, but the enemy wouldn't die for some reason. Turns out somebody added a check on the MF_CORPSE flag in BOOM that basically says, "if you're dead already, don't die again." Well, for some reason, the "Sliding helpless" flag, which is really MF_CORPSE, was set for this barrel and thus it wouldn't die unless you shot it, which ruined the intended effect. The comp flag disables this test, which indeed is not present in the linux doom 1.10 source. ===================================================================== 08/23/02 Heretic finale sequence support is now complete, including the episode 2 and 3 endings, which were more challenging: the underwater scene with the different palette, and the vertical demon scroller. The episode 2 ending still sometimes flashes a bit of gaggy trash when the game slams the title screen up when a key is pressed. I cannot seem to get rid of this through any means, including I_WaitVBL, changing the order of drawing and palette changing, forcing an update, anything. So I guess it will have to be tolerated for now. Its very minor and almost unnoticable. ===================================================================== 08/15/02 Temporary mechanism for Heretic mode detection, the -heretic command- line parameter, is now in place. Modifications both temporary and permanent are all over, but mostly in CheckIWAD and D_DoomMain. Introduced the d_gi.c module, which holds the gameinfo_t structure, an idea inspired by (but not taken directly from) zdoom. Thanks Randy! Heretic demo sequence work in D_PageDrawer. In Heretic mode, the game just cycles through the Eternity Engine credits, Heretic credits, and shareware order screen (if shareware game). Heretic demo support is a hopeless cause which I will not even pretend to undertake. Sorry :P My missing sprite fix of 8/12/02 revealed a long-standing but not very widely known bug from the original DOOM source. R_InitSpriteDefs would totally fail to initialize the sprdef_t structure for a particular sprite if that sprite had absolutely no lumps in any loaded wad. This alone was innoculous, except that later, R_PrecacheLevel, which tries to preload all sprite frames that will be used by things presently found on the map (speeds up the game considerably) just assumed that any thing on the map must be using a valid sprite. This could cause the game to crash with a segv that was very mysterious looking in the debugger. Fixed by: (1) Initializing sprdef_t's with no lumps to all zeros. (2) Checking for sprdef_t pointer validity when loading ANY sprite. ===================================================================== 08/14/02 Removed some #ifdef RANGECHECK conditionals around checks in w_wad.c that can cause the game to crash if there are bad WADs used in the release build. Added P_ConvertHereticSpecials function to convert new Heretic line and sector types to BOOM-compatible types. Here's what is handled thus far: Heretic Line Type | BOOM Equivalent ----------------------------------------------------- 99 scroll texture right | 85 scroll texture right 100 WR raise door turbo | Generalized type 15761 105 W1 secret exit | 124 W1 secret exit 106 W1 build stairs 16 | Generalized type 12680 107 S1 build stairs 16 | Generalized type 12682 This means that BOOM can successfully emulate all the new Heretic line types with existing types. No new code was needed to add them. With sectors, however, we are not so lucky. The Heretic pusher and scroller sectors are not compatible with BOOM solutions for similar sectors, and their type numbers are incompatible with the generalized sector type, which uses the bit values starting at 32 and higher. The only current sector type being remapped directly is Heretic sector type 15, the low-friction ice sector type. This type is ROUGHLY equivalent to a BOOM 223 friction transfer linedef with length of 171; however, the movefactor is much too high compared to that in Heretic when computed in a standard manner. Because of this difference, I probably need to really make a dedicated sector type for this. I really hate to have to do that, though. As for the wind and scrollers, it looks like they're going to need ExtraData solutions to enable them. Control things can't be placed at run-time, and the generalized sector system offers little assistance here. Heretic nukage sector types 5, 7, and 16 do damage in drastically different ways than their DOOM counterparts. Right now, the game is just remapping the damage values through the gameModeInfo structure, but that's kind of insatisfactory as well, since it makes those sector types behave unreasonably different in different game modes. But to waste 3 whole sector types to duplicate them? I dunno if that's a good idea either. All of this needs careful consideration. Suggestions by other serious DOOM port developers would be appreciated. ===================================================================== 08/12/02 Gearing up to introduce Heretic support, now that Eternity can load heretic.wad as a PWAD file (this it could not do before, for reasons that must have been fixed during the v3.29 gamma porting process!). Changed the behavior of the game engine so that it ignores any missing sprites, posting an error message about them only once per use on a thing or gun and allowing the game to continue from that point. Judicious use of SPR_TNT1 and the MF2_DONTDRAW flag allow the messages to not show up continually from then on. ===================================================================== 08/10/02 Added Ammo per shot field for DeHackEd weapons. This allows the ammo per shot value to be changed for all weapons. Note that the values stored internally are not used unless enabled through DeHackEd, for compatbility with old patches that use weapon function pointers on other weapons than their original weapon but don't specify ammo per shot. Totally reformatted deh_procWeapon in the process. What a freakin' mess! ===================================================================== 08/09/02 Added Args1 through Args5 fields to support new parameterized code pointers, and added Particle event field, all to frames. Note the only Particle effect currently available is effect #1, the rocket explosion particle burst. Info on the new code pointers follows: *** FireCustomBullets This codepointer for player gun frames lets you create your own custom bullet weapons. The arguments to it include: sound (1 = dspistol, 2 = dsshotgn, 3 = dsdshtgn, 4 = dscstbul) accuracy (1 = always, 2 = except on refire, 3 = never, 4 = ssg) number of tracers to fire damage factor damage modulus *** FirePlayerMissile This codepointer for player gun frames lets you make a weapon that can shoot ANY projectile. The only argument it takes is the DeHackEd number of the thing type to shoot (the thing type should always be a missile). *** CustomPlayerMelee This codepointer for player gun frames lets you create a customized melee attack similar to the fist or chainsaw. The arguments to this pointer include: damage factor damage modulus berserk multiplier angle deflection type (1 = none, 2 = fist, 3 = chainsaw) sound (1 = dspunch, 2 = dssawhit/dssawful, 3 = dscstpun) ===================================================================== 07/12/02 Made I_StartSound prototype consistent for all compiles, and removed now unnecessary #ifndef GNUC directives in i_sound.c. The crashes fraggle had from the sound in Linux were due to the function prototype not matching the number of parameters passed. ===================================================================== 07/07/02 Added a call to SDL_Quit() in I_Shutdown() to ensure that all SDL resources are shut down and released. SoM had forgotten to put this in after writing the video code, and there were no apparent ill effects under Windows. In the process, I had to verify that all the atexit handlers in Eternity are called in a safe order. The engine passed that test, fortunately. I have devised a new plan for enabling ExtraData for mapthings. This involves a special mapthing type which is a stand-in "ExtraData" object. Instead of just hijacking one field of normal things and using a flag to indicate its special nature -- a method that seemed grossly hackish at best -- the entire object is just a dummy, and uses its options field as an ExtraData record number. When the engine encounters this dummy, it will go to the ExtraData for all the information it needs to spawn an object at that point. Nobody can offer me a good reason for why I didn't think of something that simple earlier ^_^ ExtraData, for mapthings at least, will be the first feature of Eternity v3.31 public beta 1. We still have to decide what kind of format the data will be stored in, although one fact is certain: it will be text based, not binary. *** Note: I have decided to delay ExtraData a bit in favor of some other features, so it won't be in beta 1. We're on a new accelerated release time table and will be doing beta releases more often now ^_^ ===================================================================== Changes since Eternity Engine v3.29 beta 4 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== 07/05/02 Released a patch to repair several problems identified after launch: 1. The algorithm employed to get the path of the executable from myargv[0] assumed the path would be present under all circumstances. Windows XP, in typical style, doesn't act backwardly compatible by failing to always append the full path of the EXE file. This would make D_DoomExeDir return "e" sometimes, with various ill side effects. Fixed by making the function run all the way to the beginning of the string when no path separator (/ or \) is found, and then returning "." in that case, so that files are read from and written to the current working directory. 2. To my dismay, the release-build executable's SDL window title was "SDL_app" when launched from outside the Visual Studio IDE -- dunno why that makes a difference. Fixed with a call to SDL_WM_SetCaption. 3. Found a very small memory leak in G_ReadDefaults -- the keybindings data was never freed after being loaded and run. ===================================================================== 07/04/02 Implemented SoM's fix for windowed-mode mouse, as well as adding his code for accelerative mouse movement -- its 100x smoother and more usable now. The beta testers are in love with it. Biggest problem for Eternity seems to be with MCI. It seems that a *lot* of cards have unstable MCI drivers -- kat and xooz have both reported trouble, and it even fails to start up properly for me on occasion. It will have to do though, as public release is today! ===================================================================== 06/22/02 Stream MIDI was crashing with BSODs so it was replaced with MCI MIDI. MCI is not as featured, and has to intercept Win32 messages to know when to loop the music, but it will work for this version. In the meantime, we're looking at SDL_mixer. ===================================================================== 06/21/02 Easily succeeded in making bullet puff particles sensitive to TerrainTypes. Now if you shoot water, lava, and soon, various other flats that have different TerrainTypes, you get colored particles reflecting the expected type of impact -- blue for water, red and orange for lava, etc. This is cool and very Quake-2-like in appearance. It even works on ceilings, since I wrote a new function under the TerrainTypes system, P_GetTerrainTypeForPt, which can get the TerrainType for either the floor or ceiling at point (x,y). This doesn't work for deep water though, since bullet puffs are not stopped by fake flats anyways. MIDI music support is now complete, although not very well-tested. I initially imported the code that fraggle sent me from SMMU v3.30 final, but it had a couple of small problems and didn't work, so I patched over it with code from prboom 2.02 (thank goodness I still have these ancient sources lying around!) and it seems to be nearly flawless. There were a lot of educative problems during the process. The largest made me end up needing to create a new module in the Win32 system-dependent folder, i_music.c -- this module contains only Win_* functions for implementing the dirty work of MIDI. When I included windows.h into i_sound.c itself, about 104 errors occured, almost all of them conflicts between winnt.h and doomtype.h -- who would guess that Microsoft would use all the exact same type names and such as DOOM :P Now Eternity is ready to go back to SoM for work on windowed-mode mouse behavior (its unusable right now). After that, I have to tweak a few remaining issues that Joel Murdoch pointed out a long time ago, and then it's release time! ===================================================================== 06/20/02 Kat reported that bitmap-format screenshots were broken in Windows; the bitmap file structures needed a packing pragma before them since they were being written directly. A very well-hidden bug in the TerrainTypes code suddenly surfaced while I was playing WolfenDOOM: Treasure Hunt under a compilation with INSTRUMENTED defined (which randomizes memory after every Z_Malloc and again after every Z_Free, among other things). The little splash objects fired up like missiles from water and swamp TerrainType events had their target fields set directly to the splashbase object. Because its reference count wasn't updated properly, it was possible for the splashbase to be removed with the splash missile still pointing to it. If the missile then hit an creature, the game would crash mysteriously in P_DamageMobj with a bad source object pointer. Fixed by changing the direct assignments into calls to P_SetTarget. Removed the Eternity TC grenade launcher weapon (was available only in Eternity mode). This weapon was causing problems with DeHackEd, and is the first step in phasing out all the Eternity TC modifications from the general engine code (most will be reintroduced as data rather than code, once EDF is complete). For now, the grenade object itself and a codepointer to fire it are intact, and will likely remain that way for use in projects. Lee did provide a grenade death frame in MBF, but not a dedicated grenade thing or codepointer for firing it, which seems a wasted opportunity to me. ===================================================================== 05/22/02 - 06/01/02 Compiler-specific C language extensions have all been centralized into a new header, d_keywds.h -- this currently includes GNU C __attribute__ hints and function inlining. Inlining was problematic -- defining __inline__ under VC++ to match GNU C wasn't working because SDL also defines __inline__ itself. Plus, several uses of __inline__ were inside unnecessary "#ifdef DJGPP" directives, and so the functions weren't being inlined under VC++ even though it was possible. Now, all inlining in Eternity is to be done with the custom macro __d_inline__ -- not as pretty looking, but pretty damn unlikely to be overloaded by some library or compiler. Now inlining can be made easily available for any platform just by adding an #elif to d_keywds.h Fixed improper usage of the access() function -- Jim Flynn used some integer constants where he shouldn't have and in fact, the code was not correct under DOS, and only worked by lucky coincidence. Always follow the libc docs for your compiler! ^_^ Also fixed issue of missing prototypes for open, close, and access by adding a temporary undefinition of _POSIX_ in d_io.h -- SoM says we need _POSIX_, but I still haven't figured out why :P SDL digital sound is now in place and has worked flawlessly on every machine on which its thus been tested. Next up, MIDI, and then we can release! The next release will be v3.29 'gamma', and will be considered the final release for v3.29 unless some hideous but quickly addressable problem is found. The next version, v3.31, should begin to add some custom features to the Windows version such as CD audio support. Not to mention, the new FraggleScript is up and coming. ===================================================================== 05/19/02 - 05/21/02 Three bugs fixed: 1. In-wad DEHACKED lumps were broken under Visual C++ because of a bug in Lee's DEH-in-WAD code that failed to not call fclose() when the DeHackEd being parsed was in a lump rather than a file. This bug didn't surface under DOS because DJGPP ignores fclose() when its parameter is NULL, whereas Visual C++ barfs. 2. Rewrote D_dehout function to avoid passing out the address of strings it did not "own," including a string literal in one case. This will make sure that there's no problems later with string literals being written into, plus it's better style in my mind for the function to pass out the address of a static buffer that it owns, rather than passing out a static pointer. 3. Added 21 dummy frames to the states array to replace the beta emulation item and lost soul frames that fraggle unfortunately removed from SMMU. The dummy frames need to be there to keep old MBF DeHackEd patches working -- MBFEDIT!.WAD's reactor core object was broken because of this. Note: I also increased the length of lump names in the lumpinfo_t structure to 9 instead of 8, to explicitly null-terminate them and avoid any future issues with unterminated strings, and I also changed Lee's "namespace" field to "li_namespace", to avoid issues with IDEs and for C++ portability in case anyone ever undertakes that chore using this source code -- namespace is a reserved word in C++ :) Feature additions: Particle fountains are now available. As in zdoom, they use map numbers 9027 through 9033, and are available in colors red, green, blue, yellow, purple, black, and white respectively. I created a new frame-based particle event system to provide a flexible way to attach particle events (as opposed to persistent effects) to things. The state structure now contains a new field, particle_eff, which is an integer index into the particleEffects array in p_partcl.c. New effects can be added very easily, and the value in the frame is checked for validity before trying to use it as an index. This will be highly amenable to editing through DeHackEd files, although I'm not yet ready to provide that support since there's only one effect currently, rocket explosions. A pic of the effect system working (in Windows no less) is at the following URL: ===================================================================== 03/02/02 - 05/18/02 Massive changes all over; Windows support largely complete, mostly thanks to SoM's hard work. Some bugs fixed during porting, largely due to Windows' stricter segmentation policies, and different memory alignment coincidences under Visual C++ include the following (not a complete list probably): * Console message history and command history buffers were *not* appropriately maintained; apparently the SMMU v3.21 code was transitional and contained code that no longer worked like it was supposed to due to other changes. * Console commands with string values could index into their string value arrays out-of-bounds on either side due to some very goofy looking rangechecking... * Console script code could run off the end of the buffer and run garbage commands, usually causing a "V_WriteText: bad colour" error (this was partially my fault this time ;) * MN_WriteText did not check colour control characters for validity. * MN_Responder treated non-printable characters as if they were valid, resulting in the ability for shift to insert invalid colour control characters into strings (even segv'd under DOS sometimes) -- this was the cause of mysterious problems with the player name widget :) * G_GetMapForName wrote back into its parameter, and since it is called with string constants in the code, and Visual C++ puts its string constant table in the code segment as opposed to the data segment, this caused a segv which was, for a time, mysterious. Fixed by not writing into the parameter (bad style, must poke fraggle). * Namespace pollution reduced by turning abs macro in m_fixed.h into a function, D_abs. Uses VC++ inline assembly under Windows, snatched from prboom, of course ^_^ Also changed the names of some constants in the door types enumeration -- it contained names like open, close, and normal, which are too common and caused conflicts under VC++. * Added Joel Murdoch's fix to the view-centering keylook/mlook code -- again this was apparently transitional in SMMU and was still using code from before a rewrite. Other things changed that qualify as features or do not really qualify as bugs include the following: * Puff particles made a bit lighter so they show up better. * Puff particles now correct their z distribution when spawning on ceiling or floor shots (this had simply not been implemented since SoM added the shooting flats fix). * Added option for having particles AND sprites for blood and puffs as is available in zdoom. Was just being lazy about it earlier 9_9 * Gamepad support under Windows is robust. Any device that is supported by DirectInput (and thus by SDL) with at least 2 axes and 4 buttons can be selected from a Windows-only joystick config menu. Also added joystick axis sensitivities so that the user can stop noisy misfires. * Misc menu strings were bogus and misleading, fixed. * Massive addition of type-safeness to satisfy Visual C++'s craving for a lack of implicit down-casts -- personally I think it's good style to always make casts explicit except when they're really obvious and safe (like char to int for instance). * Added dumplog console command that can dump the console to file for logging, debugging, bragging to friends, etc. ===================================================================== 02/16/02 - 03/01/02 SoM and I have made various changes all over for portability, most of them very small, but a few larger issues have arisen, particularily use of unistd.h IO functions that are poorly supported under Visual C++. Reintroduced another lost DOOM/BOOM/MBF feature, quicksave and quickload. Fixed a bug in the menu system with respect to popup messages and the way they close or open the menus when dismissed. Their behavior was inconsistent because they didn't save the state of the menuactive variable. Tweaked a little code for the console. ===================================================================== 02/15/02 - 02/16/02 Added various patches to the source provided by Joel Murdoch, including the melee attack z range-checking code, which is enabled or disabled through the comp_scratch variable/console command. Added version_time and ver_time console command, and changed D_DoomMain to always print out build-time information even if GAMEBAR is not defined (and it is not by default). Added EOF comments to some headers and modules because some utilities (including some versions of GCC apparently) don't like the file to end on a line of code. Taking care of it all at once just avoids any future problems. Added re-inclusion guard definition to ser_main.h; it seems to have been the only header missing one. ===================================================================== 01/13/02 Because V_DrawPatch errors can be easily caused by user add-ons and because they're always safe to ignore by simply not drawing the patch on the screen, I've removed the #ifdef RANGECHECK conditionals from around the error checking code and demoted the error from a fatal I_Error call to a simple C_Printf, which will put the message in the console to let the user know something is wrong. This is a better way to deal with a relatively benign (when handled) error. ===================================================================== 01/12/02 Fixed a hitherto-unknown bug in the particle system. My assumption that the spritelights colormap array would be valid during particle rendering was incorrect, and thus particles were using the lighting information for whatever normal mobj vissprite was drawn last -- this often resulted in very dark, almost black particles in a bright sector, and general unresponsiveness to local changes in lighting. P_ProjectParticle needed to do a full lighting calculation; 13 lines of code were added where previously there were 3. Thanks due to Randy Heit for some tips he gave me. ===================================================================== 01/10/02 Added 13 new flags2 bits, most of which are AI-related, allowing better customization and allowing more full transformation between different thing types in DeHackEd. Before, if you made, say, a Cyberdemon out of an imp, it would not act *perfectly* like a normal Cyberdemon. Now that is possible. These are also necessary as a transitional step toward TTD, as thing-type constants can no longer be used in the code once it is implemented. MF2_SHORTRANGE -- mobj will not use missile attacks if farther than 14*64 (896) units from its target (used by archvile) MF2_LONGMELEE -- mobj will always defer from its missile attack and close to melee range if it is closer than 196 units to its target (used by revenant) MF2_RANGEHALF -- mobj considers itself to be twice as close to its target with respect to missile attack probability (which increases inversely wrt distance) (used by revenant, spider demon, cyberdemon, and lost soul) MF2_HIGHERMPROB -- mobj's minimum probability for using its missile attack is 37.5% as opposed to the normal 22% -- a 15.5% increase when the monster is 160 units or more away. (used by cyberdemon) MF2_JUMPDOWN -- when friendly, this mobj type can jump down off of some steps/cliffs to follow the player (used by MBF dogs, Halif Swordsmythe) MF2_NOSTRAFE -- mobj never uses advanced strafing AI even when enabled (used by lost soul) MF2_MAP07BOSS1 -- mobj can activate the 666 MAP07 special MF2_MAP07BOSS2 -- mobj can activate the 667 MAP07 special MF2_E1M8BOSS -- mobj can activate the 666 E1M8 special MF2_E2M8BOSS -- mobj can end the level on E2M8 MF2_E3M8BOSS -- mobj can end the level on E3M8 MF2_E4M6BOSS -- mobj can activate the 666 E4M6 special MF2_E4M8BOSS -- mobj can activate the 666 E4M8 special For the latter 7 flags, all members of all species with the flag must be dead before the special will activate. Currently the specials still only work on their designated maps; this will be addressed via MapInfo soon. Note that any object type can already use the Keen 666 door special on any map, thus no flags are necessary, and of course, any object can use the boss brain function that ends the level as well. Moved some code in P_DeathMessage for purpose of guarding against future segv issues. Added code to P_DamageMobj to make dormant things telefraggable. Removed redundant check in "nuke" console command to remove the invulnerability flag from objects, and reformatted the function, making it at least 10x more readable. ===================================================================== 12/14/01 Due to compatibility concerns I've restored the old secret exit behavior, which is actually to take you to the same level you just exited, but I've made sure that SMMU's MapInfo features don't interfere with that behavior inappropriately, which is what was actually causing the strange behavior. gamemap and gamemapname could go out of sync, which would cause the game to think it was in one level but to load another. The new lump-based intertext substitution has passed some minor testing and seems to work very well. ===================================================================== 12/13/01 Verified that G_SetFastParms still works (as well as it did before at least). Rewrote the MapInfo intertext code to load an entire lump as text. This does away with the terrible line-by-line sprintf into a fixed-size buffer that fraggle's comments indicate he was very unhappy with. Now, intertext is a MapInfo variable, and it should be set to the name of a lump to read in. Note this is more or less exactly how Hexen did it, minus an arbitrarily enforced static limit on length. Needs significant testing. Hopefully Joel can help with this since he needs the feature :) Patched G_DoCompleted to stop ill-defined secret exit switch behavior. It turns out that was just never set anywhere, period, if info_nextsecret was not set. Hence why using IDCLEV can change the map you go to after using a secret exit switch on an arbitrary level. Now, secret exit switch default action is to act like a normal switch and take you on to the next level. Needs further testing; should tell cph about this as well, since it qualifies as an original DOOM bug. ===================================================================== 12/12/01 Added a check for the long-standing problem of crashing on missing player starts in single player and cooperative games to P_LoadThings. The player->mo members are nullified before spawning, and then all players in the game are checked for valid pointer values afterward. If any are NULL, the game now bombs out with an appropriate error message rather than causing a segmentation violation on first entrance to P_PlayerThink -- I don't understand why issues like this were not addressed in BOOM -- there's still several others I need to tackle, most notably, zero-length BSP lumps. A program should ideally always exit gracefully on any input. Changed the MF2_DIEDFALLING flag into an engine-internal flag. It is now called MIF_DIEDFALLING and is no longer accessible from DeHackEd. It was useless there anyways and was just eating up room in the flags2 field. Massive reformatting in g_game.c -- this module is a horrible, entangled mess. There's too much code in it for too many different purposes. I may eventually break it into more than one module, leaving the game state transition stuff in g_game.c, and creating other modules for input processing, demo stuff, save games, etc. Ambiguous else statements are a big problem too. I've put a warning in G_SetFastParms because I don't know for sure what the default compiler behavior is when dealing with them, and this function had a big one in it. Also put a FIXME on the view-centering code, which is known to intermittently malfunction. ===================================================================== 12/11/01 Added a bindings console command that lists out all currently active key bindings. Useful since the menu only lists keys bound to internal actions and not those bound to console commands. ===================================================================== 12/08/01 Finally, some time to work on Eternity again. Added a new console command, s_flippan, which forcefully reverses the audio channel separation value in I_StartSound and I_AdjustSoundParams. This is done outside of Allegro in user code, so if the Allegro config file is set to flip the pan, this variable will flip it back again, etc. There's no Allegro function for it, unfortunately, just a lousy config file variable. The item has been added to the sound menu as well. I also took the liberty to actually range check the separation value. It should always be between 1 and 256 in order to get a number between 0 and 255, which is what the Allegro docs demand. ===================================================================== 10/20/01 - 11/21/01 Various small changes, for one, added ability to unbind a key via the binding menu by pressing a key that is already bound to the given action. Has not been tested. ** update 12/11/01: it works! :) SoM added fixes to PTR_ShootTraverse, p_map.c, to allow bullets to puff on floors and ceilings except in MBF or older demos. DOOM allowed tracers to simply continue through floors or ceilings until they hit a line. Wherever that point was would become the spawn point for the puff, and then P_SpawnMobj would clip the z coordinate of the puff into the range of the sector, making it appear at the top or bottom of a line across the room at which you probably weren't aiming. Changed default for show_vpo in config file to 0 as I had intended to do for a long time. VPO indication is fun if you're a curious hacker like me, but not for the user in general. ===================================================================== 10/19/01 Repaired the timedemo feature. This was still really messed up, since, as I noted earlier, I didn't pay attention to it when fixing demos. It was using a character array that didn't even seem to exist in the program to copy the demo name (the compiler had to be getting one from somewhere, but I can't figure out where) -- it also unnecessarily called G_StopDemo. Also, the framerate menu would never show up due to a simple error in fraggle's logic -- he cleared the menus first, as is necessary, but then later checked if the menus were active, which of course, they were not. Instead, I added a parameter to G_TimeDemo, and to the timedemo console command that calls it, to pass along that information. ===================================================================== 10/12/01 Added endofgame mapinfo variable to allow a cast call to end the game after any level. However, this can't be disabled for MAP30 for various reasons. After reconsideration, I have allowed the finale to be disabled for MAP30. However, if a finale does take place on MAP30, it WILL start the cast call, and that cannot be changed. ===================================================================== 10/10/01 Added killfinale MapInfo variable to allow maps that normally show intermission text in DOOM II to bypass it and move to the next level. This isn't allowed for MAP30, however, since the finale code has to be called to start the cast call -- I may add variables to allow further customization (including ending the game with cast call on maps other than 30). ===================================================================== 09/09/01 - 10/01/01 Portability work -- changed all occurances of the GNU C "long long" 64-bit data type to use macro-defined typedefs Long64 and ULong64. The actual data type used can be changed for any platform, and currently is defined for MS C and GNU C platforms (__int64 and long long, respectively). The typedefs and macros are in doomtype.h Completely integrated zdoom's particle system into Eternity. Some minor work such as adding mapthings for particle fountains remains, but this is external to the system itself. ===================================================================== 08/26/01 - 09/08/01 Various small changes here and there, not enough to do much documentation on. Restored player bobbing to its status as a demo- and net-sync critical variable, making it a server-only netcmd and having it use a default value like it did in BOOM and MBF. Thanks go to cph for originally realizing that bobbing is sync-critical a few months ago, and of course fraggle should be whipped soundly for assuming it wasn't in the first place ;) Another change worth noting is that I changed the printf calls in the ProcessDEHFile function into usermsg calls so that the game doesn't use stdout while in video mode (this couldn't originally happen, but it can now if you use ADDFILE on a wad with a DEHACKED lump). This may be an issue in some other functions as well. They'll need to be found gradually I guess. Any black rectangle with unintelligible dark grey text that appears VERY briefly in the upper left-hand corner of the screen is evidence of text output occuring in video mode. Why PC hardware even routes text-drawing to the screen in video modes other than 80x20 or 80x40 text, I don't know. It's pretty useless and just leads to annoyances like this. Fixed two bugs involving sprite clipping in deep water sectors when a camera was active. Similar to the HOM problem, Killough's code naturally assumed that the player was always the point of reference for determining what part of a sprite to draw. Not so any longer, though. A search seems to reveal that these should be the last such issues involving use of the viewplayer variable. ===================================================================== 08/25/01 First round of dialogue testing is mostly successful. Fixed bugs related to flashing of old messages when the ticker was in the DWT_NONE state, improper reading of color escapes from file (a signed-vs-unsigned issue :), improper usage of the color escapes for drawing, and scraps left over on the border when dialogue is viewed in a smaller screen size than the largest two. Color escapes still need more testing, and there are some possible issues with latent player momentum when a cinematic pause occurs -- if you're moving when it happens, you seem to instantly start moving again later when its deactivated. DOOM was not really designed for these thinker processes to stall so I'm not horribly surprised at this -- it should be fixable by forcably zeroing out momenta and other such state variables at time of the pause. I'll knock out such issues as they're identified. Need to change default global translucency %age back to 66, as 50 really looks terrible for most things IMHO. Lee Killough gave some good empirically sound reasons in his changelog as to why 66 is preferable to 50, mostly relating to DOOM's sorry palette, and after seeing what my dialogue background looks like, I really do agree -- /me spanks fraggle for changing it. *** However, some things, especially sprites, look better at lower levels than 66. I'm working on a way to have multiple translucency levels for sprites. ===================================================================== 08/22/01 Finished integrating dialogue into the engine. Changes incurred to modules doomstat.c, g_game.c, d_main.c, t_func.c, mn_menus.c, p_tick.c, and p_mobj.c (phew). Fixed a possible bug in the walkcam code introduced during fixing of the demo code that may have made it unable to be moved. (see G_Responder) Removed monster falling damage as it just seems like a really bad idea to me now, and definitely has too many issues with flying objects, bouncers, things that aren't blocked or clipped, etc etc. The code is #ifdef'd so that it can be restored later if someone thinks they like it. Added cinemapause, startdialogue, mobjvalue, stringvalue, intvalue, and fixedvalue FraggleScript functions. The latter 4 are coercion forcing functions useful mostly for arrays, which usually preserve their value's types as given, and possibly for other purposes as well. During a cinematic pause, players cannot move or save the game, nor can sentient objects, that is, objects that have health > 0 AND have a seestate, do anything. This doesn't rule out any forced, scripted action between normally inert things, and stuff like projectiles, explosions, particles, etc still run as normal no matter what. These restrictions are seen to in P_Ticker, P_MobjThinker, and MN_SaveGame. Note that dialogue itself only stops savegames. Users will need to call the FS cinemapause function before-hand to get the other effects during a dialogue. ===================================================================== 08/14/01 Finally working on EE again. Fixed yet another two minor bugs in V_WriteText -- fraggle must have been on crack when he wrote this one because that makes four bugs in that one function thus far. Tabs were not handled correctly, and a space was not added for characters that don't exist in the v_font, even though it was supposed to be, and V_StringWidth even calculated the extra space for it. Added support for translucent text, use of \z escape in a FraggleScript string toggles it on and off. Added error checking to V_WriteText that was present in SMMU v3.30 to make sure that the colrng is in range. Added some null-pointer checks to code in f_finale.c to not only avoid dereferencing NULL patch pointers, but also to add 4 pixels' space here as well. After months of trials and tribulations, and a total overhaul today, all the internal dialogue system functions appear to be 100% complete and mostly correct ::crosses fingers:: -- so I'm ready to try integrating it into the main engine. The solution that I needed was to make the ticker and drawer both equal in priority and always running, and then separating their jobs out into particular tasks depending on the current state of the system -- one thing that helped with this was the addition of different types of wait states for the ticker -- rather than just plain waiting, it now always waits for SOME PARTICULAR REASON, which communicates both to itself and the drawer what they should do during future game ticks. The system is more elegant and featured than I had even originally intended. Apparently I've broken through another brick wall in the way of my programming skill. It's only every once in a while that I feel I have passed a true milestone and this accomplishment is giving me that feeling again, particularily because I figured out the solution in an intense 30-minute period of concentration *away* from the computer, something that hasn't really helped that much in the past. ===================================================================== 07/15/01 Added "nextsecret" field for MapInfo to allow customization of secret exit behavior. Now any map can use the secret exit switch to go to whatever level it specifies. Also created an exitsecret() function for FraggleScript. ===================================================================== 07/14/01 Investigated reports of crashes caused by setting the player name via console command or menu and discovered that, once again, fraggle was having a string allocated in C static memory freed using the zone allocator. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! Eh-hem, sorry. Anyways, its fixed by using an initialization function, C_InitPlayerName, that sticks the default name in the ZONE HEAP before the main routine reads the config file for any existing altered default. This should fix it. This bug was an odd one, btw, because it somehow survived months of playtesting by myself and others. Weird. ===================================================================== 07/01/01 Did further investigation into mouse and joystick issues and discovered that not only was there some artifact code that needed to be done away with, but that some of the old code for doing stuff like double clicks was not working properly (read intermittently, or at least for me, not at all) as it should, due to some changes I made in i_video.c to support keybindings. If all is right now, double-clicking either of the two mouse buttons you can now set in the config file generates a USE action. This is independent of whatever they may additionally be bound to, and is for utility as well as compatibility. However, note that the joystick button that was previously attached to strafe no longer generates such double click events. This made no sense to me since the joystick already had a dedicated use action all along, so I honestly think it might have been a mistake or maybe some artifact from DOOM's initial development, since it's even in the linux 1.10 source. Changes were incurred to g_game.c (G_BuildTiccmd, G_Responder, removal of obsolete variables), i_video.c (I_GetEvent), and m_misc.c (removal of obsolete config file variables). Made repairs to the beta 4 makefile, need to upload it as a patch to the source. ===================================================================== Changes since Eternity Engine v3.29 beta 3 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== 06/30/01 1. Added an MBF demo compatibility fix to the P_CanUnlockGenDoor prboom bug fix. 2. Added demo compatibility to some long reflection code (shouldn't happen in old demos anyways, but its still a good idea). 3. Enhanced lost soul bouncing demo fix with new prboom code. 4. Added EV_VerticalDoor prboom fixes, but customized code to work without rewriting the whole function (not enough time or good enough reason). 5. Added cph's bobbing fix to use the old method when playing old demos I'm now up to date with prboom's bug and demo comp. fixes, with the exception of the G_ReloadDefaults savegame issue, which I need to verify myself. Phew! Implemented BEX [SOUNDS], [MUSIC], and [SPRITES] blocks to fully deprecate the old DeHackEd-style Text substitution. Keys consist of the default sound, music, or sprite names, and key values do not change even if multiple patches are applied (see Ty Halderman's BOOM change log for details, I've implemented it to his original vision). ===================================================================== 06/27/01 Did more bug-fixing for FS functions and made them more orthogonal with respect to optional parameters. Identified some possible issues with string buffers that are strdup'd but are less than 256 chars long -- will do further research to determine if its a problem. ===================================================================== 06/25/01 Beautified ser_main.c, added GPL headers to files in the DJGPP directory, and increased a buffer's size in Ser_Error() from 100 to 1024 to prevent overflow on relatively short messages. ===================================================================== 06/17/01 New demo format changes: (comments from source) 1. The old version field is now always written as 255 2. The signature has been changed to the null-term'd string ETERN 3. The version and new subversion are written immediately following the signature 4. cmd->updownangle is now recorded and read back appropriately (this supports mlook/keylook!) Note that the demo-reading code still handles the "sacred" formats for DOOM, BOOM and MBF, so purists don't need to have heart attacks. However, only new Eternity-format demos can be written, and these will not be compatible with other engines. ===================================================================== 06/12/01 Integrated Julian's fixes to files in the DJGPP folder including a new local allegro.h file that adjusts defines for the library's version number, and fixes to the inline assembly in m_fixed.h and r_things.c that remove actual bugs in Killough's code, and also enable compilation on GCC 2.95.* and later. Unlike the lxdoom code, Julian's code does not seem to break wall sliding or any other game engine behaviors. ===================================================================== 06/11/01 Removed an I_Error call in S_StartSound that checked the sfx_id number to see if it was in range when RANGECHECK is defined -- this is unnecessary now, and doesn't work any more since fraggle rewrote the code to use hashing. This broke playing of new sound lumps in EE 3.29b3. ===================================================================== 06/04/01 I have retrofitted Eternity to support linedef type 272 as WR Start Script for compatibility purposes, at the urging of SoM_ and a few other people. This compatibility flag is off by default, of course. Work on FS array support and dialogue continues, slowly. Fixed camera HOM bug related to deep water sectors -- the rendering code in R_FakeFlat() was always using the player's sector's heightsec, even for cameras. I've fixed this by giving cameras their own heightsec field, and having it updated any time a camera is spawned or moved (this is necessary to spare multiple calls to R_PointInSubsector() during the rendering of every frame). Special thanks to Julian of rorDoom fame for helping to nail down the exact line of code responsible for the above odd behavior :) Fixed a well-hidden bug while messing with the intermission cameras in wi_stuff.c -- turns out fraggle coded a hard limit to the number of them allowed -- 128 -- but then didn't put any range-checking into WI_AddCamera() to make it stop trying to add cameras to the array after there were too many. Fixed with range-checking, but it'd be more ideal to remove this limit eventually. ===================================================================== 05/25/01 - 05/26/01 Made major changes to g_game.c and d_main.c in order to restore MBF demo-recording and playback functionality. Demos must now be loaded into the wad directory, and can no longer be loaded directly from file. Regular recording and playback of demo files now works properly, but time demos and fast demos have not been tested. Also repaired various other small, questionable changes in g_game.c back to their MBF forms, including a loop merger in G_Ticker. Its possible some features have been broken by these changes; they'll need to be gradually isolated and repaired one by one if so, but thus far, I've not noticed any problems. Demo version recording is currently broken because Killough's format assumes the version number will fit into a byte. 329 is obviously bigger than 255, so that's a problem. For now its recording 255 and then on read, if it sees 255, it assumes 329. This won't work in the long run obviously, so the need for a new, secondary demo format is now clear. Also, there's no real way to record demos on a map that's not named MAPxy or ExMy. That's a problem too, but not an easy one to fix. ===================================================================== 05/23/01 Added scriptwaitpre function for FraggleScript -- waits until a script is started rather than until all instances have finished. Changed the == operator to use mobj comparison when both operands are of mobj type. This makes it more useful, as well as compatible with Legacy's behavior. Made changes to create_variable() to disallow creation of mobj reference variables inside the hub script. These references could persist between levels with values pointing to freed heap-dynamic memory. Access or manipulation could cause corruption of the zone allocator's heap. This problem has been known since I was still calling this port a mod of SMMU, but I didn't know how to fix it until recently. Disallowing reference creation is more elegant and fail-safe than trying to fool with reference registries or trying to make the mobj_t's persist themselves (and its easier too :P). ===================================================================== 05/18/01 Added new flags2 bit MF2_NOCROSS to handle making projectiles not activate lines. This was previously handled through a switch statement in P_CrossSpecialLine, but this approach required constant updating for new thing types, and also didn't allow for this attribute to be given to things converted into projectiles via DeHackEd. All this is now taken care of. Note that Arachnotron plasma was never handled in the switch though, which means its always been able to activate lines (odd I've never noticed it happening anywhere all this time). This "feature" is retained, of course. ===================================================================== Changes since Eternity Engine v3.29 beta 2 ===================================================================== ===================================================================== 5/09/01 Attempted to repair inline assembly code in m_fixed.h for GCC 2.95 and later, but the code from lxdoom that is in SMMU v3.30 causes strange behavior when the player slides against walls when compiled under GCC 2.81. I am currently researching ways to better select whether to use the assembly or C code, and if the assembly from lxdoom really works properly under 2.95. With optimizations enabled, the assembly version of FixedMul only saved one instruction, and an arithmetic shift at that, which doesn't eat a lot of processor time, so people having trouble with it should be able to use the C versions in the meantime without worrying about performance hits. ===================================================================== 4/11/01 - 05/02/01 Repaired FraggleScript void functions so that they now return the int value 0 rather than propagating the value of the last function return. Repaired a lack of range-checking in the FS startscript function. Repaired the ++ and -- operators to work properly on the fixed type. Dialog development has been delayed for now. ===================================================================== 04/10/01 Did major work on Eternity's dialog system, adding module p_dialog.c Attempted to repair numhelpers console command, not tested yet. ===================================================================== 04/04/01 Added user-specifiable console scripts, set via config file. They'll be automatically executed at the end of game setup. ===================================================================== 04/02/01 Implemented lava TerrainType. Found yet another MAJOR bug by enabling I_Error() in the V_DrawPatch* functions -- V_WriteText() was only checking the screen for overflow in the x direction and only at the right side of the screen. When the console was in full-screen mode, this allowed it to draw characters part-way off the bottom of the screen when it was scrolled. Without bounds-checking, this was impossible to catch. Repaired by fully qualifying the draw against all four screen boundaries. ===================================================================== 04/01/01 Repaired various small bugs in FraggleScript function handlers including bounds checking for all internal array access such as the use of player numbers. Implemented the binary invert operator ~ for FraggleScript. Added SoM's else/elseif keywords to FraggleScript. Beautified TerrainTypes code. ===================================================================== 03/31/01 Repaired a major bug in HU_CoordHandler that copied a pointer to a local string buffer into a global struct pointer, causing access of freed stack-dynamic memory. This was definitely the cause of the random screen corruption occuring on the automap coord widgets, and may possibly have been causing some of the V_DPT crashes, if not all of them, seeing that the random letters often appeared with seemingly random color range translations as well, and the V_DPT segvs occured on lines that access the outr[] array, an index into a color range translation table O_O Added I_Error() calls to the V_DrawPatch* functions when RANGECHECK is defined for debugging purposes. Ignoring the problem is not very helpful to the programmer at all. Strengthened some more demo version checks to 329. Fixed FraggleScript playertip function to actually use HU_CentreMsg like its supposed to, and added HU_CentreMsgTimed to allow for timedtip and timedplayertip functions similar to those in Legacy. Added Halif Spots and Cleric spots for Eternity TC, and added camera nodes for general use. These work similarly to boss brain spots. Completely rewrote Eternity's global colormap substitution so that it no longer reallocates the colormap array, does not copy colormaps into colormaps[0], and does not cause a memory leak by failing to free the light tables before rebuilding them. Rather now the rendering code itself, particularly in R_SectorColormap, decides on the colormap to use by examining the mapinfo value loaded from P_SetupLevel. This now also requires all global colormaps to be between C_START and C_END, since it uses the mapinfo value to get an index into the preloaded colormap array -- its a good idea for consistency as well as efficiency. Fixed some out-of-range array index problems in the t_dump and t_run console commands, and also made their usage messages consistent with the command names. ===================================================================== 03/24/01 FS HU pics initial implementation completed -- added HU_FSPicErase(). Added numhelpers console command to set number of helper creatures. Strengthened test on missile explosions on the sky to demo_version 329, since this would break BOOM and MBF demos. Implemented the DORMANT mapthing flag and internal handling, including an objawaken() function for FraggleScript. The new flag is value 512 (128 is FRIEND, and 256 is reserved for checking for bad editors). Dormant things are invincible and will remain in their spawnstate perpetually until a script wakes them up, similar to Hexen. ===================================================================== 03/21/01 Continued addition of FS HU gfx functions. Added SoM's fixes to floorheight() and ceilingheight() to allow crushing of objects. Investigated reports by Afterglow of FS malfunctioning on his new start map, but nothing conclusive turned up. It worked for me. Tobester helped find out that Eternity cannot currently record demos. Will research this issue, but I'm not optimistic about it ever being able to write DOOM-format demos. In fact, I may remove writing support and confer with fraggle on a new format to support SMMU/Eternity features such as mlook/keylook, jumping, etc. It'll still play old demos, yes, but only write new ones. What the use of writing DOOM- compatible demos from Eternity would be, I do not know anyways :P ===================================================================== 03/20/01 Tobester helped find an allocation bug -- M_ReadFile() didn't pass in owners for the buffers it allocated, so it was impossible to implicitly free them by using Z_ChangeTag(buffer, PU_CACHE) -- this caused the game to bomb out with a Z_ChangeTag error after a demo played from an external lmp file was done playing. Added miscellaneous FS functions from Legacy, thanks to SoM. Started FraggleScript HU graphics support. ===================================================================== 03/16/01 Added "float" keyword as an alias to "fixed" for FraggleScript at the urging of SoM. The math is still always fixed-point as opposed to floating-point, which is why I originally changed the keyword, but it should be supported for Legacy source-compatibility at least. Removed an unused string buffer from D_DoomMain() left from when I had two separate resource wads. Resolved some implicitly declared functions to ensure appropriate type- checking. Patched V_DrawPatchTranslated(), V_DrawPatch(), and V_DrawPatchTL() with MBF code. fraggle did some questionable optimizations that could have possibly been causing segv's under certain circumstances. With my machine doing what it does, its difficult to tell, but I was getting consistent crashes at line 642 in V_DPT. If the MBF code still crashes, then its still no loss. Add instructions are not a major impact on speed anyways :P Fixed a boo boo in C_AdjustLineBreaks() that failed to add characters encountered after lastspace to the length of the new line after adding a line break -- characters could still be lost on latter lines due to count reflecting a lower number of characters than what was actually on the line. Repaired a MAJOR bug in HU_StringWidth() that I can't believe I didn't catch earlier when trying to fix the console -- fraggle accidentally inverted the test condition so that when the index into the font character array was out of range or the character graphic didn't exist, it would try to dereference the character and get its size information. What it should have done in that case was return 4, the default gap. Instead, it returned 4 for every normal character, making DOOM think that strings were much shorter than they should be. This could have also been responsible for some segv's or page faults, but if so, they must have surfaced inside other methods that rely on HU_StringWidth()'s return value. Also fixed my earlier hack to V_StringWidth to add 4 for null characters, since I now understand what's going on in the code ;) ===================================================================== 02/15/01 Added final demo compatibility fix from prboom to T_MovePlane. Floors will no longer move if monsters on them have their heads stuck in the ceiling during old demos, which was the case in the original DOOM. Normal play is unaffected, and this change is not currently included under the comp_floors variable. Special thanks to cph. ===================================================================== 01/26/01 Michael Exline (Giomancer) pointed out that the 272 linedef type was still being overloaded for MBF reversed sky transfer and for a WR script activation type. This has been repaired both in Eternity and SMMU by moving the offending script type to 280 and leaving the others alone. This will break the start map and whatever few SMMU maps have been made, but we believe the impact is minimal if not zero since little mapping has gone on with the engines thus far. ===================================================================== 01/24/01 Changed the conversion in t_parse.c::stringvalue() from fixed_t to float into a conversion from fixed_t to double, with SoM's advice. fixed_t is a 32-bit precision number, so the 23-bit mantissa of the float is insufficient for large or small values. The 52 bits in a double are more than enough for even the worst case scenario. ===================================================================== 01/13/01 Added a check for null strings in C_Printf() to stop possible stdlib seg faults. Added a function to insert hard linebreaks into formatted console strings at the last whitespace character to prevent text being lost off the right-hand side of the screen. Why it was happening I'm not sure, although a miscalculation in C_AddChar() or V_StringWidth() could be the culprit. A possible TODO for later debugging, if I decide its worth it. Character-by-character wrapping would be a little less elegant in some cases, but more fail-proof. ===================================================================== 01/11/01 Enabled 640x400 non-pageflipped video mode. fraggle had accidentally left set_gfx_mode() unable to assert that it had set the mode in order to test the failure recovery mechanism. This caused the program to act as if though 640x400 non-pageflipped was unavailable due to hardware issues when in reality, it was just acting like it failed when it didn't. ===================================================================== EOF =====================================================================