demo.titletics Length of time the titlescreen is displayed in gametics demo.advisortics Length of time the advisory is displayed (applies only if flags include HASADVISORY) demo.pagetics Length of time other demo loop pages are displayed menu.background Default menu background flat; user can override with configuration setting menu.transframe EDF frame mnemonic for a frame to display next to the video translucency percentage option menu.skvattacksound Sound used when the player attacks in the skin viewer menu.offset An offset that is applied globally to the y coordinate of all fullscreen menus menu.pointer1 Name of the first menu pointer patch (default is a skull in Doom, an arrow in Heretic) menu.pointer2 Name of the second menu pointer patch border.flat Screen border flat border.topleft Top left corner patch for screen border border.topright border.left border.right border.bottomleft border.bottom border.bottomright console.charsperline Number of characters assumed to fit on one line in the console console.bellsound EDF sound mnemonic for sound used when the console wants attention console.chatsound EDF sound mnemonic caused by use of the say command console.backdrop Default console backdrop patch hud.pausepatch Patch used to display the "Pause" message game.telefogtype EDF thingtype mnemonic for object type spawned when something teleports game.telefogheight Height above the ground that the telefog should spawn game.telesound Sound played when an object teleports game.thrustfactor A factor applied to thrust when objects are damaged (100 in Doom, 150 in Heretic) game.defpclass EDF playerclass mnemonic for the default player class game.endgamefinaletype Type of finale caused by Teleport_EndGame (options: text, doom_credits, doom_deimos, doom_bunny, doom_marine, htic_credits, htic_water, htic_demon finale.text.x Initial x coordinate for finale text message finale.text.y Initial y coordinate for finale text message intermission.pic Default intermission background patch sound.defaultmusname Default music lump name sound.defaultsndname Default sound name, used when a missing sound is played credit.background Background flat of the Eternity credits screen credit.y Initial y coordinate of text on the Eternity credits screen credit.titlestep Distance stepped in y after the title on the Eternity credits screen exit.endtextname Name of the lump used as the "ENDOOM" resource