       *Zdaemon Demos
       Doomers Pictures
       *Knowledge Pool
       *Mapping - Layout
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941 hits
since 4/22/06
TokeServ under construction

I have created a collection of all the software I use.
It is all freeware or shareware except for one.
The page can be found Here.
Multiplayer news?

I have been thinking about turning this news page into a
doom multiplayer news page since there isnt really a doom
news site that is dedicated to doom multiplayer.

TokeServ has a new look and some new content, various pages have been added, fixed or replaced.
Ganja's page is back up after some animal pornography issues.

Almost a year since I put anything here... Perhaps I'll update something?
And oh yeah, no more dedicated hard drive or 2003 server or anything the slightest bit acceptable, expect to lose access at any time.
TokeServ is back

I finaly got my lazy ass around to fixing the server, again.
I have been making good progress on the coop wad.
I dont feel like writing anymore news because I am a lazy fuck.

Tokeserv is back up and is now running on 2003 server and has its own dedicated hard drive.

I voted for Bush today.
I have created a page for my released projects which can be found here.
I have created a Guestbook.

Major server upsates, not much visualy. I rewrote the file indexing so that I dont have to have different files for each directory and update each one when I update. I plan to better organize all the content soon.
I also added news to the main page incase you idiots didnt notice.