VisualIB  1.0
IBExpress library for making use of Borland IBExpress outside of C++Builder
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
|oCDatabaseVIB::Database wraps the VisualIB VIBDatabase C structure to provide a C++11 object with semantics compatible with those of Borland TIBDatabase
||oCDBParamClassClass implementing the DBParamByDPB property, which reimplements the AnsiString DBParamByDPB[int Idx] property of TIBDatabase
||\CParamClassClass implementing the Params property, which reimplements the TStrings *Params property of TIBDatabase
|oCDataSetVIB::DataSet wraps the VisualIB VIBDataSet C structure to provide a C++11 object with semantics compatible with those of Borland TIBDataSet
||oCFieldByNameClassClass for VIB::DataSet::FieldByName method's return value
||oCFieldClassFields property wrapper object
||oCFieldPropIntermediary for array-style access to fields, equivalent to the Borland TFields::Fields array
||oCFieldsClassTop-level Fields property wrapper class, equivalent to Borland TFields object
||\CSelectSQLClassProperty implementation class for the SelectSQL property
|oCErrorError is the root class for all VIB exceptions
|oCIBErrorIBError is thrown when InterBase errors occur
|oCSQLVIB::SQL wraps the VisualIB VIBSQL C structure with a C++11 object with semantics compatible with those of Borland TIBSQL
||oCParamClassWrapper for a single Param object
||oCParamsSetClassWrapper class for Params property Reimplements Borland TIBXSQLDA
||\CSQLClassWrapper class for the SQL property
|oCTransactionVIB::Transaction wraps the VisualIB VIBTransaction structure with a C++11 object which emulates the semantics of Borland TIBTransaction
||oCDatabasesClassProperty implementation class for the Databases property
||\CParamClassProperty implementation class for parameters
|oCPropertyProperty implements Borland Delphi-style properties using standard C++11 mechanisms
|\CArrayPropertyArrayProperty extends Property with an array access operator, for properties which behave like C arrays or collections
oCVIBDatabaseWrapper for TIBDatabase
oCVIBDataSetWrapper for TIBDataSet
oCVIBErrorTracking data for the last error to occur
oCVIBSQLWrapper for a TIBSQL instance
oCVIBStringLightweight string object used to elide AnsiString return values
\CVIBTransactionWrapper for a TIBTransaction